Version History -
This page provides access to the theoretical information used in the numerical
calculation of the energy levels and transition frequencies given by this
database. Also provided is a link to a page that gives the output matrices of
the 2002 CODATA least-squares adjustment. These matrices can be used obtain the
data provided here. The energy level and transition frequency data may be
accessed in a variety of forms as indicated by the links below.
Theoretical compilation and background:
Ulrich D. Jentschura, Svetlana Kotochigova,
Eric O. Le Bigot, Peter J. Mohr, and Barry N. Taylor
Database development and implementation:
Svetlana Kotochigova and Peter J. Mohr
![Fundamental Physical Constants](Images/fundConst.gif)
![NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology](/Images/nistRB.jpg) ![NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory](/Images/But/pl.jpg)
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