- Example of how to reference this online database:
- Kim, Y.-K., Irikura, K.K., Rudd, M.E., Ali, M.A., Stone, P.M., Chang, J., Coursey, J.S., Dragoset, R.A., Kishore, A.R., Olsen, K.J., Sansonetti, A.M., Wiersma, G.G., Zucker, D.S., and Zucker, M.A. (2004), Electron-Impact Ionization Cross Section for Ionization and Excitation Database (version 3.0). [Online] Available: http://physics.nist.gov/ionxsec [2025, March 19]. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
- Citation Form:
- Author/editor (Year), Title (edition). [Type of medium] Available: URL [Access date].
Version 3.0
August 2004 |
Electron-impact cross section data has been added for many molecules and atoms. Version 3.0 also includes a new graphical design and user interface, with the data for atoms and molecules accessed through different interfaces. Additions to the database include excitation cross sections for atoms H, He, & Li; and ionization cross sections for atoms B, C, N, O, Al, Ga, In; and for molecules C2H3, C3H3, C3H4 (allene & propyne), C3H5, C3H6, C4H2, C4H4, C4H6, C4H8 (1-butene, trans-2-butene & isobutene), C6H2, C6H6 (fulvene), SiF4, HO2, and six Freon molecules (CClF3, CCl2F2, CCl3F, CHClF2, CHCl2F, CH2ClF). The molecular orbital notation was modified for many of the molecules. |
Version 2.1
November 2001 |
New theoretical data along with relevant references were added for the following hydrocarbon ions: H3O+, CH2+, CH3+, CH4+, C2H2+, C2H4+, and C2H6+. |
Version 2.0 September 2000 |
New theoretical and experimental data along with relevant references were added for H2+, N2+, CO+, CH+, H2, He, NO2, BF, BF2, BF3, BCl, BCl2, BCl3, CF, CF2, CF3, CHO, CH2O, and C2H3O. Molecular orbital data (B, U, N, Q) for deep inner shells (mostly K shells) of molecules with heavy atoms have been added to all molecules. |
Version 1.4
August 1998 |
One experimental data set was added for H2O. |
Version 1.3
July 1998 |
Single Differential Cross Section data for H, He, and H2 were included. Data for halogen compounds were updated, and the graphing capabilities were expanded. |
Version 1.2
January 1998 |
Data for halogen compounds were added, and additional internal changes were made. |
Version 1.1
September 1997 |
Data for CH and C2H2 were added. Also added were BEB cross sections in tabular form for all atoms and molecules. |
Version 1.0
August 1997 |
Original Release. |