Hydrocarbon Spectral Database

Table 2.1. Determinable rotational and centrifugal distortion constants (P4) employed by various workersa

Parameters for
planar molecules
Kirchhoff parameters (following Watson [15]) Watson
parameters [16]

A A′′ = A′ - 1/2τbbcc A
B B′′ = B′ - 1/2τaacc B
C C′′ = C′ - 1/2τaabb C
τaaaa τaaaa ΔJ
τbbbb τbbbb ΔJK
τabab τcccc ΔK
τaabb τ1 = τaabb + τbbcc + τccaa δJ
τaabb τ2 = (A′ / S) τbbcc + (B′ / S) τaacc + (C′ / S) τaabb δK

aFor conversion between the various sets of parameters see References [4], [9], [10], and [17].

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