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alpha particle mass in u
atomic mass constant
Avogadro constant
Boltzmann constant
conductance quantum
deuteron mass in u
electron mass
electron mass in u
electron volt
elementary charge
elementary charge over h-bar
Faraday constant
Fermi coupling constant
fine-structure constant
helion mass in u
inverse fine-structure constant
Josephson constant
magnetic flux quantum
molar gas constant
muon mass in u
neutron mass in u
neutron-proton mass difference in u
Newtonian constant of gravitation
Newtonian constant of gravitation over h-bar c
Planck constant
proton mass
proton mass in u
proton-electron mass ratio
reduced Planck constant
Rydberg constant
Rydberg constant times c in Hz
Stefan-Boltzmann constant
tau mass in u
triton mass in u
vacuum electric permittivity
vacuum magnetic permeability
von Klitzing constant
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