Local Conference Committee

Each Conference has a Local Committee that is responsible for all arrangements. The LCC has a Chair (or Co-Chairs), Secretary and Treasurer, and additional officers if required. In constructing the Conference program, the LCC shall consider the recommendations of the IPC. The LCC is encouraged to establish and maintain a website for the Conference that includes all information relating to the organization of the Conference. The functions of the LCC are to:

The LCC Chair cooperates with the IPC Secretary in preparing the meetings of the IPC.

The LCC Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, and other Local Committee members designated by the Local Committee Chair participate in the meetings of the IPC and report on the status of Conference matters. The LCC Chair is designated by the IPC.

After the Conference, all relevant Conference records are transmitted to the IPC Secretary and IPC Treasurer as appropriate.

Wed Oct 8 10:48:26 EDT 1997