ICAMDATA 2010 - Invited Lectures (Lithuania)
Name |
Lecture Title |
R.W. Lee | Atomic data collection with the new 4th generation x-ray light sources |
M.L. Dubernet | The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre: A new way to disseminate A.& M. data |
N.R. Badnell | Computation of atomic data for astrophysics and fusion |
I. Bray | Benchmark calculations of electron-impact differential cross sections |
A.V. Solov.yov | Atomic and molecular data needs for radiation damage modeling underlying radiotherapy |
Izumi Murakami | Database and related activities in Japan |
Uri Feldman | Atomic data for solar corona studies |
C. Suzuki | Measurement of EUV spectra of high Z elements from Large Helical Device |
Alexander E. Kramida | Recent developments in the NIST Atomic Databases |
Nikolai Piskunov | Atomic and molecular data for astrophysics: VALD3 AND VAMDC projects |
A.N. Ryabtsev | Spectroscopy of ionized atoms for nanotechnology |
G. Gaigalas | Challenges of theoretical spectroscopy of heavy and superheavy atoms and ions |
H.P. Summers | Atomic data and modelling for fusion: The ADAS Project |
Jun Yan | Atomic data and their application in calculation of radiative properties of plasmas |
Jung-Sik Yoon | Recent database activities on basic plasma research |
David R. Schultz | Heavy particle collision data for fusion and astrophysics |
Vladimir M. Shabaev | Quantum electrodynamics effects in heavy ions and atoms |
Oleg Zatsarinny | Accurate cross-section calculations for low-energy electron-atom collisions |
Graeme G. Lister | Cold Light from hot atoms |
U. Fantz | Atomic and molecular collisional radiative modelling for spectroscopy of both low temperature and magnetic fusion plasmas |
�. Bi�mont | Recent investigations of heavy elements. Results and needs |
Savely Karshenboim | Importance of atomic data for precision physics of simple atoms, determination of fundamental constants and search for their variations |
J.J. Curry | Radiative transition probabilities in neutral cerium and the problem of complete data sets for complex spectra |
B.J. Braams | Coordinated research projects of the IAEA Atomic and Molecular Data Unit |
Alan Hibbert | Detailed atomic structure of neutral or near-neutral atomic systems |