ICAMDATA 2010 - Invited Lectures (Lithuania)
Name Lecture Title
R.W. LeeAtomic data collection with the new 4th generation x-ray light sources
M.L. DubernetThe Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre: A new way to disseminate A.& M. data
N.R. BadnellComputation of atomic data for astrophysics and fusion
I. BrayBenchmark calculations of electron-impact differential cross sections
A.V. Solov.yovAtomic and molecular data needs for radiation damage modeling underlying radiotherapy
Izumi MurakamiDatabase and related activities in Japan
Uri FeldmanAtomic data for solar corona studies
C. SuzukiMeasurement of EUV spectra of high Z elements from Large Helical Device
Alexander E. KramidaRecent developments in the NIST Atomic Databases
Nikolai PiskunovAtomic and molecular data for astrophysics: VALD3 AND VAMDC projects
A.N. RyabtsevSpectroscopy of ionized atoms for nanotechnology
G. GaigalasChallenges of theoretical spectroscopy of heavy and superheavy atoms and ions
H.P. SummersAtomic data and modelling for fusion: The ADAS Project
Jun YanAtomic data and their application in calculation of radiative properties of plasmas
Jung-Sik YoonRecent database activities on basic plasma research
David R. SchultzHeavy particle collision data for fusion and astrophysics
Vladimir M. ShabaevQuantum electrodynamics effects in heavy ions and atoms
Oleg ZatsarinnyAccurate cross-section calculations for low-energy electron-atom collisions
Graeme G. ListerCold Light from hot atoms
U. FantzAtomic and molecular collisional radiative modelling for spectroscopy of both low temperature and magnetic fusion plasmas
�. Bi�montRecent investigations of heavy elements. Results and needs
Savely KarshenboimImportance of atomic data for precision physics of simple atoms, determination of fundamental constants and search for their variations
J.J. CurryRadiative transition probabilities in neutral cerium and the problem of complete data sets for complex spectra
B.J. BraamsCoordinated research projects of the IAEA Atomic and Molecular Data Unit
Alan HibbertDetailed atomic structure of neutral or near-neutral atomic systems