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4.   Acknowledgments

The author FJL is pleased to acknowledge the following astronomers for providing preprints or unpublished observations: L.E. Snyder, F. Combs, and M. Ohishi. A special thanks to J.M. Hollis for assisting in checking the unidentified lines against the complete spectral catalog developed for this publication. The author FJL would like to acknowledge Dr. Anthony J. Remijan for identifying a number of typographical errors. Partial support for this work came from the Laboratory of Astronomical Imaging at the University of Illinois and NSF grant AST 99-81363.

5.   References to Text

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  29. "Microwave Spectra of Molecules of Astrophysical Interest. XXV. Methylamine." V.V. Ilyushin and F.J. Lovas, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 36, 1141-1276 (2007)

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  32. JPL Catalog: (See Pic98 in the reference list for Table 4).

  33. Köln Catalog: (See Mul01 in the reference list for Table 4).

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