4.a. Quantum Numbers | |
J | Resultant total angular momentum quantum number, excluding nuclear spins. |
N | Rotational angular momentum quantum number, excluding electron and nuclear spins, in the case where electron spin is present. |
K-, K+ | Projection of J (or N) on the symmetry axis in the limiting prolate or oblate symmetric top. |
F1 | Resultant angular momentum quantum number including nuclear spin for one nucleus. |
F | Resultant total angular momentum quantum number. |
A, E | Torsional symmetry substates representing irreducible representations of the symmetry group of the rotation-internal rotation Hamiltonian. |
ν1,ν2,ν3 | Vibrational modes (ν) and quantum numbers (υ) |
U or L | Upper or lower energy level or transition frequency. |
′ or ″ | Prime or double prime is used to distinguish the upper (′) and lower (″) energy states in a transition. They occur as superscripts on the quantum numbers. |
ℓ | Quantum number for vibrational angular momentum. |
I or (Ii) | Angular momentum quantum number of nuclear spin for one (or ith) nucleus. |
4.b. Molecular Constants | |
A, B, C | Rotational constants (MHz). These are related to the principal moments of
inertia: |
B-bar equals (B + C)/2. | |
τ, Δ, δ, D | Quartic centrifugal distortion constants (MHz or kHz). |
H, h | Sextic centrifugal distortion constants (MHz or kHz). |
L, ℓ, G, g | Octic centrifugal distortion constants (MHz). |
Iα | Moment of inertia of the methyl top around internal rotation axis (u Å2) |
ρ | Internal rotation interaction constant ρ = [Σx(λx Iα /Ix)2]1/2. |
λa, λb, λc | Direction cosines between the internal rotation axis and the principal axes a,b,c, respectively. |
α | Angle of rotation around internal rotation axis. |
F | Internal rotation dynamical constant (GHz) F = h/8π2r Iα. |
V3 | Threefold component of torsional barrier potential V = V3(1-cos 3α)/2. |
s | Reduced barrier height s = 4V3 / 9F. |
r | r = 1 - Σx(λx2Iα / Ix). |
Θ | Angle between CH3 symmetry axis and a-principal axis. |
ω1(s) | Fourier coefficient. |
Δ0 | Internal rotation interaction constant (eq 13) |
µa , µb , µc | Components of the electric dipole moment along the a- or b- or c-principal axes. |
αv , γvv | Rotation-vibration coefficients in the power series representing Bv (see text). |
qv | ℓ-doubling constant (MHz). |
σ|| , σ⊥ | Components of the magnetic shielding tensor which are parallel and perpendicular to the molecular axis, respectively. |
Q | Molecular quadrupole moment relative to the center of mass (esu · cm2). |
α|| , α⊥ | Electric polarizability anisotropy (cm3). |
χ⊥ , χ|| | Components of the magnetic susceptibility tensor which are respectively perpendicular and parallel to the molecular axis (erg/G2 · mol). |
χxx - χyy | Magnetic susceptibility anisotropy. |
g⊥ , g|| | Components of the molecular G tensor which are respectively perpendicular and parallel to the molecular axis. g⊥ is sometimes denoted g or gJ for linear molecules in the ground state (µN). |
gxx - gyy | Anisotropy of the molecular G tensor perpendicular to the molecular axis (µN). |
cx or M | Spin rotation constant related to nucleus X (kHz). |
SXY | Spin-spin interaction constant between nucleus X and nucleus Y (kHz). |
αP , βP | Ω-type doubling parameters (eq 14) (eq 15) |
peff | Λ-type doubling constant in the 2Π1/2 state (MHz). |
a, b, c, d | Magnetic hyperfine coupling constants (MHz) where,
(eq 16) (eq 17) (eq 18)
(eq 19) Here µB is the Bohr magneton, µN is the nuclear magneton and gN is the nuclear g-value. |
A | Spin-orbit coupling constants defined by the power series expansion,
4.c. Other | |
# | A hash mark located in front of the uncertainty denotes that the frequency is the hyperfine free center of the frequency. |
(...) | Parentheses in the numerical listings contain measured or estimated uncertainties. For example, the value 1.407(83) should be interpreted as 1.407±0.083. Thus the value in parentheses refers to the last significant digits given. |
a, b, c | Designate principal axes corresponding to A, B, and C, respectively. |