
Rotational and Centrifugal Distortion Constants from Reanalysis

Watson's Determinable
A 42 046.328(61) 41 833.98(41) 41 620.40(80)
B 3683.039 84(600) 3583.0699(444) 3484.164(93)
C 3381.852 54(544) 3296.0476(348) 3210.952(77)
τ1 0.143297(3273) 0.127 43(5018) 0.1879(1033)
τ2 0.005 1229(3016) 0.003 648(4590) 0.009 535(9390)
τ3 a 1.05(2) 1.1(3) 0.79(54)
τaaaa -5.4748(491) -5.388(748) -5.993(1420)
τbbbb -0.008 707 21(9427) -0.008 7947(15065) -0.006 321(3012)
τcccc -0.005 109 0(801) -0.005 297(1270) -0.004 46(261)
Std. dev. 0.178 0.756 1.393
No. lines fit 47 25 22
Derived Parameters
(assuming planarity conditions)
A 42 046.325(61) 41 833.98(41)  
B 3683.074(6) 3583.101(41)  
C 3381.894(5) 3296.084(34)  
τbbcc -0.006 55(9) -0.0067(14)  
τccaa 0.067 68(10) 0.062(14)  
τaabb 0.0822(22) 0.072(35)  
τaabb (1) 0.1227(15) 0.113(22)  
τaabb (2) 0.1215(13) 0.117(20)  
τaabb (3) 0.1215(13) 0.117(20)  
τabab (1) -0.0203(4) -0.0204(70)  
τabab (2) -0.0191(6) -0.0237(87)  
τabab (3) -0.0191(6) -0.0239(90)  
Δτ -0.134(31) × 10-4 0.38(54) × 10-4  


a Strictly speaking, τ3 is not a determinable parameter, but is calculated from τ1, τ2, τaaaa, and τbbbb using the planarity conditions.

NOTE: The uncertainties quoted are one standard deviation as estimated by the least squares fit. The number of significant figures quoted are necessary to reproduce the calculated transition frequencies within their standard deviations.


Molecular Parameters for CL2O.

Parameter 35Cl16O35Cl
A 42 046.398(86) 41 834.021(410) 41 620.951(300) 66015
B 3683.0827(84) 3583.1034(420) 3484.2521(320)
C 3381.9006(77) 3296.0896(340) 3210.9984(270)
τaaaa -5.388 85(6400) -5.483 14(720 00) -6.300 56(570 00)
τbbbb -0.009 0962(1400) -0.008 5944(150 00) -0.005 7625(120 00)
τaabb 0.114 583(2200) 0.117 148(210 00) 0.157 657(230 00)
τabab -0.018 8015(6200) -0.020 2994(690 00) 0.019 1993(280 00)
χaa (Cl) -71.45   -56.31 a 62010
χbb (Cl) 6.86   5.41 a
χcc (Cl) 64. 59   50.90 a

a Calculated from the ratio 35Q/37Q = 1.2688. See [66015].

Additional references: [59002] and [62003].

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