(0.01286-0.02138 keV: H, D)
Messung des Paar Wirkungsquerschnitts für Wasserstoff und Deuterium zwischen 1 und 7 GeV
Notz, D.,
Thesis, Univ. Hamburg (1969) (Also, personal comm. 9/9/70) (See also Meyer, H., Naroska, B., Weber, J.H., Wong, M., Heynen, V., Mandelkow, E., and Notz, D., Phys. Lett. B
33, 189-192 (1970). Total Cross Section for Photoproduction of Hadrons on Hydrogen and Deuterium between 1.0 and 6.4 GeV)
(0.55-6.55 GeV: H, D)
The Total Pair Production Cross Section of Gamma-Rays in Hydrogen and Deuterium
Rawlinson, W. R., Tait, N.R.S., Thompson, J. C., Tolfree, D.W.L., Brookes, G. R., Clough, A. S., Freeland, J. H., Galbraith, W., King, A. F., Armstrong, T. A., Hogg, W. R., Lewis, G. M., and Robertson, A.W.R.,
Nucl. Phys. B
45, 41-46 (1972)
(300.-4150. MeV: H, D)