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National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory
NIST Atomic Spectra Database
Ionization Energies Data

Ni (all spectra)
28 Data Rows Found 

Example of how to reference these results:
Kramida, A., Ralchenko, Yu., Reader, J., and NIST ASD Team (2023). NIST Atomic Spectra Database (ver. 5.11), [Online]. Available: https://physics.nist.gov/asd [2024, July 5]. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18434/T4W30F
BibTex Citation (new window)

 At. Num.   Ion  Charge   El.  name   Ionization  Energy 
28  Nickel    7.639878                 0.000017   L12369 
28  +1  Nickel    18.168838                 0.000025   L7185,L897 
28  +2  Nickel    35.187                    0.019      L11049 
28  +3  Nickel    [54.92]                    0.25       L7185,L241 
28  +4  Nickel    [76.06]                    0.06       L7185 
28  +5  Nickel    [108.0]                     1.0        L7185,L241c99 
28  +6  Nickel    (132.0)                     2.0        L8672c99 
28  +7  Nickel    (162.0)                     2.1        L8672c99 
28  +8  Nickel    [193.2]                     0.5        L241c99 
28  +9  Nickel    [224.7]                     0.5        L7185,L241c99 
28  +10  Nickel    [319.5]                     0.7        L11770 
28  +11  Nickel    [351.6]                     0.3        L11770 
28  +12  Nickel    [384.5]                     0.5        L11770 
28  +13  Nickel    [429.3]                     0.8        L11770 
28  +14  Nickel    [462.8]                     1.1        L11770 
28  +15  Nickel    [495.4]                     1.7        L11770 
28  +16  Nickel    [571.07]                    0.12       L7185 
28  +17  Nickel    [607.020]                   0.019      L11770 
28  +18  Nickel    1 540.1                      0.5        L9858 
28  +19  Nickel    [1 646]                       3          L11770 
28  +20  Nickel    [1 758]                       4          L11770 
28  +21  Nickel    [1 880]                       5          L11770 
28  +22  Nickel    [2 008.1]                     1.3        L11770 
28  +23  Nickel    [2 130.5]                     0.9        L11770 
28  +24  Nickel    [2 295.6]                     2.1        L11770 
28  +25  Nickel    (2 399.259)                   0.007      L16264c99 
28  +26  Nickel    (10 288.8848)                  0.0010     L21139 
28  +27  Nickel    (10 775.3948)                  0.0004     L19200 

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