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National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory
NIST Atomic Spectra Database
Ionization Energies Data

I (all spectra)
53 Data Rows Found 

Example of how to reference these results:
Kramida, A., Ralchenko, Yu., Reader, J., and NIST ASD Team (2023). NIST Atomic Spectra Database (ver. 5.11), [Online]. Available: https://physics.nist.gov/asd [2024, July 3]. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18434/T4W30F
BibTex Citation (new window)

At. num | El. Name | Isoel. Seq. | Ground Shells (a) | Ground Level   |        Ionization Energy (eV)        |   Uncertainty (eV)   | References
     53 | Iodine   | I           | [Cd].5p5          | 2P*<3/2>       |             10.451236                |           0.000025   | L13998,L22518
     53 | Iodine   | Te          | [Cd].5p4          | 3P<2>          |             19.13126                 |           0.00012    |         L7360
     53 | Iodine   | Sb          | [Cd].5p3          | 4S*<3/2>       |             29.570                   |           0.025      |        L11993
     53 | Iodine   | Sn          | [Cd].5p2          | 3P0            |             40.357                   |           0.025      |        L11994
     53 | Iodine   | In          | [Cd].5p           | 2P*<1/2>       |             51.52                    |           0.04       |        L10105
     53 | Iodine   | Cd          | [Kr].4d10.5s2     | 1S0            |            [74.4]                    |           0.4        |        L10105
     53 | Iodine   | Ag          | [Kr].4d10.5s      | 2S<1/2>        |            [87.61]                   |           0.06       |         L5438
     53 | Iodine   | Pd          | [Kr].4d10         | 1S0            |            150.81                    |           0.10       |        L11384
     53 | Iodine   | Rh          | [Kr].4d9          | 2D<5/2>        |           (171.0)                    |           2.2        |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Ru          | [Kr].4d8          | 3F<4>          |           (197.0)                    |           2.2        |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Tc          | [Kr].4d7          | 4F<9/2>        |           (220.9)                    |           2.4        |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Mo          | [Kr].4d6          | 5D<4>          |           (247.0)                    |           2.5        |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Nb          | [Kr].4d5          | 6S<5/2>        |           (279)                      |           3          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Zr          | [Kr].4d4          | 5D0            |           (307)                      |           3          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Y           | [Kr].4d3          | 4F<3/2>        |           (335)                      |           3          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Sr          | [Kr].4d2          | 3F<2>          |           (365)                      |           3          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Rb          | [Kr].4d           | 2D<3/2>        |           (393)                      |           3          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Kr          | [Ar].3d10.4s2.4p6 | 1S0            |           (505)                      |           3          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Br          | [Ar].3d10.4s2.4p5 | 2P*<3/2>       |           (535)                      |           3          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Se          | [Ar].3d10.4s2.4p4 | 3P<2>          |           (569)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | As          | [Ar].3d10.4s2.4p3 | 4S*<3/2>       |           (601)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Ge          | [Ar].3d10.4s2.4p2 | 3P0            |           (649)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Ga          | [Ar].3d10.4s2.4p  | 2P*<1/2>       |           (683)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Zn          | [Ar].3d10.4s2     | 1S0            |           (762)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Cu          | [Ar].3d10.4s      | 2S<1/2>        |           [800.8]                    |           0.4        |        L10278
     53 | Iodine   | Ni          | [Ar].3d10         | 1S0            |          (1397)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Co          | [Ar].3d9          | 2D<5/2>        |          (1472)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Fe          | [Ar].3d8          | 3F<4>          |          (1553)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Mn          | [Ar].3d7          | 4F<9/2>        |          (1639)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Cr          | [Ar].3d6          | 5D<4>          |          (1720)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | V           | [Ar].3d5          | 6S<5/2>        |          (1812)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Ti          | [Ar].3d4          | 5D0            |          (1911)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Sc          | [Ar].3d3          | 4F<3/2>        |          (1999)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Ca          | [Ar].3d2          | 3F<2>          |          (2093)                      |           5          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | K           | [Ar].3d           | 2D<3/2>        |          (2181)                      |           5          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Ar          | [Ne].3s2.3p6      | 1S0            |          (2431)                      |           5          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Cl          | [Ne].3s2.3p5      | 2P*<3/2>       |          (2510)                      |           5          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | S           | [Ne].3s2.3p4      | 3P<2>          |          (2598)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | P           | [Ne].3s2.3p3      | 4S*<3/2>       |          (2680)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Si          | [Ne].3s2.3p2      | 3P0            |          (2836)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Al          | [Ne].3s2.3p       | 2P*<1/2>       |          (2926)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Mg          | [Ne].3s2          | 1S0            |          (3096)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Na          | [Ne].3s           | 2S<1/2>        |          [3185.5]                    |           0.5        |     L10264c99
     53 | Iodine   | Ne          | 1s2.2s2.2p6       | 1S0            |          (7337)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | F           | 1s2.2s2.2p5       | 2P*<3/2>       |          (7563)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | O           | 1s2.2s2.2p4       | 3P<2>          |          (7811)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | N           | 1s2.2s2.2p3       | (0,3/2)*<3/2>  |          (8044)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | C           | 1s2.2s2.2p2       | 3P0            |          (8601)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | B           | 1s2.2s2.2p        | 2P*<1/2>       |          (8867)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Be          | 1s2.2s2           | 1S0            |          (9196)                      |           4          |      L8672c99
     53 | Iodine   | Li          | 1s2.2s            | 2S<1/2>        |          (9421.10)                   |           0.04       |     L16264c99
     53 | Iodine   | He          | 1s2               | 1S0            |         (38717.00)                   |           0.03       |        L21139
     53 | Iodine   | H           | 1s                | 2S<1/2>        |         (39721.549)                  |           0.017      |        L19200
(a) Designations used in the ground shell lists:
     [Ne] = 1s2.2s2.2p6
     [Ar] = 1s2.2s2.2p6.3s2.3p6
     [Kr] = 1s2.2s2.2p6.3s2.3p6.3d10.4s2.4p6
     [Cd] = 1s2.2s2.2p6.3s2.3p6.3d10.4s2.4p6.4d10.5s2

If you did not find the data you need, please inform the ASD Team.

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