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[ASD Home][Lines Query][Levels Query][List of Spectra][Ground States and Ionization Energies][Bibliography][Help] NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory
NIST Atomic Spectra Database
Ionization Energies Data

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16 Data Rows Found 

Example of how to reference these results:
Kramida, A., Ralchenko, Yu., Reader, J., and NIST ASD Team (2023). NIST Atomic Spectra Database (ver. 5.11), [Online]. Available: https://physics.nist.gov/asd [2024, July 3]. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18434/T4W30F
BibTex Citation (new window)

At. num | El. Name | Isoel. Seq. | Ground Shells (a) | Ground Level |        Ionization Energy (eV)        |   Uncertainty (eV)   | References
     16 | Sulfur   | S           | [Ne].3s2.3p4      | 3P<2>        |             10.36001                 |           0.00012    |       L7237
     16 | Sulfur   | P           | [Ne].3s2.3p3      | 4S*<3/2>     |             23.33788                 |           0.00025    | L7237,L5883
     16 | Sulfur   | Si          | [Ne].3s2.3p2      | 3P0          |            [34.86]                   |           0.04       |      L11770
     16 | Sulfur   | Al          | [Ne].3s2.3p       | 2P*<1/2>     |            [47.222]                  |           0.012      |       L7237
     16 | Sulfur   | Mg          | [Ne].3s2          | 1S0          |             72.5945                  |           0.0004     |       L7237
     16 | Sulfur   | Na          | [Ne].3s           | 2S<1/2>      |             88.0529                  |           0.0004     | L7237,L4882
     16 | Sulfur   | Ne          | 1s2.2s2.2p6       | 1S0          |            280.954                   |           0.007      |       L9896
     16 | Sulfur   | F           | 1s2.2s2.2p5       | 2P*<3/2>     |            328.794                   |           0.007      |      L11242
     16 | Sulfur   | O           | 1s2.2s2.2p4       | 3P<2>        |           [379.84]                   |           0.21       |      L11770
     16 | Sulfur   | N           | 1s2.2s2.2p3       | 4S*<3/2>     |           [447.7]                    |           0.3        |      L11770
     16 | Sulfur   | C           | 1s2.2s2.2p2       | 3P0          |           [504.55]                   |           0.12       |      L11770
     16 | Sulfur   | B           | 1s2.2s2.2p        | 2P*<1/2>     |           [564.41]                   |           0.05       |      L11770
     16 | Sulfur   | Be          | 1s2.2s2           | 1S0          |           [651.96]                   |           0.12       |      L11770
     16 | Sulfur   | Li          | 1s2.2s            | 2S<1/2>      |           (706.994)                  |           0.007      |   L16264c99
     16 | Sulfur   | He          | 1s2               | 1S0          |          (3223.78057)                |           0.00020    |      L21139
     16 | Sulfur   | H           | 1s                | 2S<1/2>      |          (3494.188518)               |           0.000019   |      L19200
(a) Designations used in the ground shell lists:
     [Ne] = 1s2.2s2.2p6

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