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National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory
NIST Atomic Spectra Database
Ionization Energies Data

Ar (all spectra)
18 Data Rows Found 

Example of how to reference these results:
Kramida, A., Ralchenko, Yu., Reader, J., and NIST ASD Team (2023). NIST Atomic Spectra Database (ver. 5.11), [Online]. Available: https://physics.nist.gov/asd [2024, July 3]. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18434/T4W30F
BibTex Citation (new window)

 At. Num.   El.  name   Isoel.  Seq.   Ground  Shells a   Ground  Level   Ionization  Energy 
18  Argon  Ar  [Ne]3s23p6   1S0    15.7596119                 0.0000005   L9217 
18  Argon  Cl  [Ne]3s23p5   23/2    27.62967                   0.00012     L8844 
18  Argon  [Ne]3s23p4   3P2    [40.735]                    0.012       L8114 
18  Argon  [Ne]3s23p3   43/2    [59.58]                     0.18        L11770 
18  Argon  Si  [Ne]3s23p2   3P0    [74.84]                     0.17        L11770 
18  Argon  Al  [Ne]3s23p   21/2    91.290                     0.010       L12277 
18  Argon  Mg  [Ne]3s2   1S0    [124.41]                     0.06        L11770 
18  Argon  Na  [Ne]3s   2S1/2    [143.4567]                   0.0012      L4344 
18  Argon  Ne  1s22s22p6   1S0    [422.60]                     0.06        L11770 
18  Argon  1s22s22p5   23/2    [479.76]                     0.12        L11242c99 
18  Argon  1s22s22p4   3P2    [540.4]                      0.6         L11770 
18  Argon  1s22s22p3   43/2    [619.0]                      0.4         L11770 
18  Argon  1s22s22p2   3P0    [685.5]                      0.3         L11770 
18  Argon  1s22s22p   21/2    [755.13]                     0.22        L11770 
18  Argon  Be  1s22s2   1S0    [855.5]                      0.3         L11770 
18  Argon  Li  1s22s   2S1/2    (918.375)                    0.007       L16264c99 
18  Argon  He  1s2   1S0    (4 120.66559)                  0.00022     L21139 
18  Argon  1s   2S1/2    (4 426.22407)                  0.00004     L19200 
Designations used in the ground shell lists:
[Ne] = 1s22s22p6

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