Atomic Weights and Isotopic Compositions for Samarium
Column Descriptions

             Relative           Isotopic      Standard                   
Isotope      Atomic Mass        Composition   Atomic Weight    Notes     
62  Sm  144  143.9120065(21)    0.0307(7)     150.36(2)        g
        147  146.9149044(19)    0.1499(18)  
        148  147.9148292(19)    0.1124(10)  
        149  148.9171921(18)    0.1382(7)   
        150  149.9172829(18)    0.0738(1)   
        152  151.9197397(18)    0.2675(16)  
        154  153.9222169(20)    0.2275(29)  

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