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Table of Plane Wave Born BEf-scaled Cross Sections at Specific Energies (ASCII)
Cross Sections
  Incident electron energy, T = eV

P.M. Stone, Y.-K. Kim, and J.P. Desclaux, J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. 107, 327 (2002). (T)
cccweb01I. Bray and Y. Ralchenko, (2001). (T)
sheman85D. E. Shemansky, J. M. Ajello, D. T. Hall, and B. Franklin, Astrophysical Journal 296, 774 (1985). (E)

All cross sections are in 10-16 cm2 unless otherwise specified.

23.45 0.000563
25 0.001590.0016450.0006918
26 0.00216
26.5 0.002141
27 0.00263574
28 0.00305
29 0.00342
30 0.003760.0025920.003029
35 0.0051
35.16 0.00387
40 0.006070.0051640.006143
45 0.00678
50 0.007310.0072560.00801
60 0.008020.00916
70 0.008410.00985
80 0.008610.009590.01024
90 0.008680.01042
100 0.008680.0170.01046
110 0.00862
120 0.00853
130 0.00842
140 0.0083
150 0.008170.00967
160 0.00803
170 0.00789
180 0.00775
190 0.00761
200 0.007470.008940.0086
225 0.00714
250 0.00683
275 0.00655
300 0.00628
350 0.00581
400 0.00541
450 0.00506
500 0.004760.005480.004998
600 0.00425
700 0.00386
800 0.00353
900 0.003260.00367
1000 0.003030.003039
1500 0.00227
2000 0.001830.001805
3000 0.00135