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Sulfur dioxide (SO2)

Cross Sections
Incident electron energy, T = eV

Graph of BEB Cross Section

Table of BEB Cross Sections at Specific Energies in HTML or ASCII

Molecular Orbital Constants

B (eV) U (eV) N Q Double
1b1 560.91 794.52 2 1 No none none
2a1 560.91 794.53 2 1 No none none
3a1 249.31 509.66 2 1 No none none
2b1 186.25 477.82 2 1 No none none
1b2 186.18 477.98 2 1 No none none
4a1 186.14 478.57 2 1 No none none
5a1 41.53 76.54 2 1 No none none
3b1 38.47 82.00 2 1 No none none
6a1 23.49 81.17 2 1 No none none
7a1 19.14 58.16 2 1 No none none
4b1 19.06 74.31 2 1 No none none
2b2 18.35 52.86 2 1 No none none
5b1 14.65 64.71 2 1 No none none
1a2 14.10 59.21 2 1 No none none
8a1 12.50 66.21 2 1 No 3p none
B: Binding Energy
U: Average Kinetic Energy
N: Electron Occupation Number
Q: Dipole Constant
Double Ion.: Double Ionization Included
Special Calc.: Modified BEB theory (if appropriate)

ASCII Table of Molecular Orbital Constants

Chemical Structure and Data from the NIST Chemistry WebBook

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