ClCN Spectral Data Options


Display the following isotopes:

Formula   (# of lines)
35Cl12C14N    (165)
37Cl12C14N    (70)
35Cl13C14N    (8)
37Cl13C14N    (2)
35Cl13C15N    (18)
37Cl13C15N    (4)
36Cl12C14N    (10)
Total:      (277)

Frequency Range:
to MHz

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Select All Isotopes

The following information may be useful
in choosing which isotopes to search.

 Isotope   Relative
Atomic Mass
Atomic Weight
6 C 12   12.0000000(00)   0.9893(8)  [12.0096, 12.0116]  
13   13.003 354 835 07(23)   0.0107(8)
14   14.003 241 9884(40)   

7 N 14   14.003 074 004 43(20)   0.996 36(20)  [14.006 43, 14.007 28]  
15   15.000 108 898 88(64)   0.003 64(20)

17 Cl 35   34.968 852 682(37)   0.7576(10)  [35.446, 35.457] m
37   36.965 902 602(55)   0.2424(10)

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Constants Data for ClCN
References for ClCN
NIST Chemistry Webbook Search for ClCN

Specific Corrections and Reanalysis of the Data:

The frequency for the υ2 = 1, J = 2-1, F = 7/2-5/2 transition of 35Cl12C14N given by Townes et al. [48002] should read 23 938.6 MHz and not 23 928.6 MHz. In table IV of reference [51003] the column headings should be reversed for the observed transitions. In table IX of reference [56005] the J = 18-17 transitions for 37ClCN are not consistent with the other observations. These are not included in the present work. The Cl-C stretching vibration labeled υ3 here rather than υ1 as given in the literature.

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