BrCN Spectral Data Options


Display the following isotopes:

Formula   (# of lines)
79Br12C14N    (142)
81Br12C14N    (139)
79Br13C14N    (8)
81Br13C14N    (8)
79Br12C15N    (6)
81Br12C15N    (6)
Total:      (309)

Frequency Range:
to MHz

ASCII output instead of HTML tables


The following information may be useful
in choosing which isotopes to search.

 Isotope   Relative
Atomic Mass
Atomic Weight
6 C 12   12.0000000(00)   0.9893(8)  [12.0096, 12.0116]  
13   13.003 354 835 07(23)   0.0107(8)
14   14.003 241 9884(40)   

7 N 14   14.003 074 004 43(20)   0.996 36(20)  [14.006 43, 14.007 28]  
15   15.000 108 898 88(64)   0.003 64(20)

35 Br 79   78.918 3376(14)   0.5069(7)  [79.901, 79.907]  
81   80.916 2897(14)   0.4931(7)

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Constants Data for BrCN
References for BrCN
NIST Chemistry Webbook Search for BrCN

Specific Corrections and Reanalysis of the Data:

The most complete rotational analysis is that reported by Tetenbaum [52008] for the J = 6-5 lines, Burrus and Gordy [56005] for the millimeter transitions and Oka and Hirakawa [57002] for the J = 1-0 and J = 2-1 transitions. Although the small differences in the rotational and hyperfine constants reported in these independent studies might be eliminated by refitting the entire data set, the magnitude of such an effort could not be justified in light of the slight improvements foreseen. Note that the frequency for the upper -doublet of 79BrCN in table IX of Burrus and Gordy [56005] should read 223 150.44. Also the present tables have labeled the vibrational state for the Br-C stretch as υ3 rather than υ1 which was used in the references cited.

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