Constants Data for ClNO
References for ClNO
NIST Chemistry Webbook Search for ClNO
Specific Corrections and Reanalysis of the Data:
In the reanalysis of 35ClNO, two measured lines
were excluded from the fit since they show significant deviations. The
109,2-99,1 transition reported in
[66012] at
111 213.25 MHz is calculated 1.48 MHz higher in frequency with
an uncertainty of 0.14 MHz and the
180,18-170,17 line reported in
[66012] at
198 798.54 MHz is calculated 15.62 MHz lower in frequency with
an uncertainty of 0.18 MHz. The error in the
41,3-40,4 transition frequency reported in
[75010] has been
corrected to read 83 635.88 MHz. Very poor agreement was obtained in
the centrifugal distortion fit to the 20,2-10,1
transition and hyperfine splittings for 37ClNO. The
strongest components, the unresolved pair F = 7/2-5/2 and
F=5/2-3/2, are calculated 0.80 MHz higher than
observed and the F = 3/2-3/2 transition is calculated
1.32 MHz higher than observed. The hyperfine analysis included the three
components of the 10,1-00,0 transition and
the three unblended components of the 21,211,1
and 21,111,0 transitions. The discrepancy
could arise from ignoring the 14N hyperfine splitting,
although this appears unlikely since these splittings were apparently