Fill out the form to select the data to be displayed:


Select by: (only elements 1 - 100)

Atomic Number:

Options for output units:

All quantities in cm2/g
All quantities in barns/atom
Partial interaction coefficients in barns/atom
         and total attenuation coefficients in cm2/g

Graph options:

Total Attenuation with Coherent Scattering
Total Attenuation without Coherent Scattering
Coherent Scattering
Incoherent Scattering
Photoelectric Absorption
Pair Production in Nuclear Field
Pair Production in Electron Field


Additional energies in MeV: (optional) (up to 100 allowed)

Note: Energies must be between 0.001 - 100000 MeV (1 keV - 100 GeV) (only 4 significant figures will be used).
One energy per line. Blank lines will be ignored.

Include the standard grid

Energy Range:

Minimum: MeV

Maximum: MeV

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