Searchable bibliography on the constants
- One or more of these keywords is assigned to each paper in the
bibliographic database.
- Each keyword or phrase is followed by an abbreviation code that may be entered instead.
- Action at a distance in electrodynamics: aod1
- Aharonov-Bohm effect: abe1
- alpha particle charge radius: alpcr1
- alpha particle radius: he4ncr1
- Ampere/ current: amp1
- Angle measurement/radian: rad1
- Angular Momentum in quantum mechanics: angmom1
- Antihydrogen: ah1
- antihydrogen energy levels: ahel1
- Antiprotonic helium: aphe1
- Antiprotonic other atoms: apoa1
- Atomic mass constant/unified atomic mass unit/dalton: muuda1
- Atomic radiative decay: ard1
- Atom Interferometry: ai1
- Atom, n, e-p charge neutrality: anepn1
- Avogadro constant: avc1
- Avogadro constant - other: avco1
- Avogadro constant - silicon density: avcsid1
- Avogadro constant - silicon lattice spacing: avcsil1
- Avogadro constant - silicon molar mass: avcsim1
- Basis set expansions: bse1
- Bethe logarithm: blog1
- binding energies: be1
- Blackbody radiation effects: bre1
- Bloch oscillations: bo1
- Bohr magneton: bm1
- Boltzmann constant: bc1
- Bose condensate: bcon1
- Bound-electron g-factor one-photon qed: begfop1
- Breakdown of quantum Hall effect: qhebd1
- Breit-Rabi formula: br1
- Calculation of Feynman diagrams: cfd1
- Candela/ photometry/ radiometry: cd1
- Casimir effect: ce1
- Charge , parity, time reversal symmetry: cpt1
- Coefficient of thermal expansion: cte1
- Complex atomic spectra theory: cast1
- Compton wavelength - cesium: cwlcs1
- Compton wavelength - electron: cwle1
- Compton wavelength - neutron: cwln1
- Compton wavelength - other: cwlo1
- Compton wavelength-rubidium: cwlrb1
- Continued fraction calculation: cfc1
- Convergence of sequences: cos1
- Coulomb gauge quantum electrodynamics: cgqed1
- Coulomb Green function: cgf1
- Coulomb matrix elements: cme1
- Coulomb matrix elements: na1
- Coulomb matrix elements: qheth1
- Coulomb matrix elements: vfsc1
- Coulomb matrix elements: zeha1
- cycle, angle, radian, Hz: carHz1
- Delbruck scattering: ds1
- Density: d1
- deuterium hyperfine splitting: dhfs1
- deuterium Lamb shift: dls1
- deuterium molecular ion: dmi1
- Deuterium molecule: D2mol1
- deuterium-tritium molecule: DTmolecule1
- Deuteron g-factor in deuterium: gdd1
- Deuteron magnetic moment/ g-factor: gd1
- Deuteron mass: md1
- deuteron rms charge radius: dcr1
- deuteron to proton mass ratio: mdmp1
- Dielectric constant gas thermometry: dcgt1
- Dielectric permittivity: diep1
- Dimensional analysis: da1
- Dirac equation identities: dei1
- Dirac form factor: Diracff1
- Dirac reduced Greens function: drgf1
- Direct frequency comb spectroscopy: dfcs1
- Dressed states: drst1
- E1-M1 interference: emi1
- e-d scattering and deuteron radius: edsrd1
- Educational article: ed1
- Electrical units: eu1
- Electric dipole moment: edm1
- Electric polarizability: elpol1
- Electron anomalous magnetic moment/ (g-2)/2: ae1
- Electron g-factor in deuterium: gjd1
- Electron g-factor in hydrogen: gjh1
- Electron g-factor in other systems: gjos1
- electron hadronic VP: aehad1
- Electron magnetic moment/ g-factor: ge1
- Electron mass: me1
- Elementary charge: e1
- energy levels of a molecule: elmol1
- Energy levels other: elo1
- e-p scattering and proton radius: epsrp1
- exotic explanations of discrepancies: exoexp1
- Exponential integral calculation: eic1
- Fano and Fano like resonances: FanoRes1
- Faraday constant: fc1
- Farad/ capacitance: farad1
- Fermilab muon experiments: Flab1
- Fine-structure constant (alpha): al1
- Fine structure other: fso1
- Forbidden radiative transitions: frt1
- Frequency combs: frco1
- Fundamental Constant molecule research: FCmolres1
- Fundamental constants - general/ metrology: fcgm1
- Gamma-ray wavelengths: grwl1
- gas thermometry: gth1
- Gauges in quantum electrodynamics: gqed1
- Gaussian quadrature: gq1
- General relativity and clocks: grc1
- Gouy phase shift: gophsh1
- Gravitational acceleration/ little g: lg1
- Gravitational inverse square law: gisl1
- Gravity: gr1
- Greens function: gf1
- hadronic vacuum polarization (except ae, amu): hVPxa1
- Harmonic polylogarithms: hpl1
- Helion g-factor in helium3: ghh1
- Helion gyromagnetic ratio - low field: hgrlf1
- helion nuclear charge radius: hncr1
- Helium 3 energy levels: He3el1
- helium 3 nuclear charge radius: He3ncr1
- helium 3 plus hyperfine splitting: he3pfsh1
- Helium energy levels: heel1
- Helium fine structure: hefs1
- Helium hyperfine structure: hehfs1
- Helium Lamb shift: hels1
- Heliumlike ions: hei1
- Heliumlike ions: heli1
- Helium molar polarizability: hepol1
- helium molecular ion: hemi1
- Helium molecule: He2mol1
- Helium plus energy levels: hepel1
- Helium plus fine structure: hepfs1
- Helium plus hyperfine splitting: hephfs1
- Helium plus Lamb shift: hepls1
- Helium thermophysical properties: hethpr1
- Highly-charged ions: hci1
- Hydrogen atom wavefunction: haw1
- hydrogen-deuterium molecular ion: hdmi1
- hydrogen-deuterium molecule: HDmol1
- Hydrogen energy levels: hel1
- Hydrogen fine structure: hfs1
- Hydrogen hyperfine splitting: hhfs1
- Hydrogen Lamb shift: hls1
- hydrogen like energy levels: hlel1
- Hydrogenlike ions: hli1
- Hydrogen molecular ion: hmi1
- hydrogen molecule: H2mol1
- Hydrogen negative ion: hni1
- hydrogen-tritium molecule: HTmol1
- Hyperfine splitting other: hfso1
- Hypergeometric functions: hgf1
- hyrogenlike ion Lamb shift nuclear spin 1: hliLS11
- Inhibition of spontaneous decay: isd1
- Input data for 2010 LSA: lsa20101
- International System of Units: si1
- International temperature scale: its1
- ionization energies: ie1
- Ion source technology: ionsr1
- Japan Muhfs and amu: JPARC1
- Josephson effect - Josephson constant (2e/h): jekj1
- Josephson effect /liquid helium: jehe1
- Josephson effect - other: jeo1
- joule balance: jb1
- Kaonic atoms: kaat1
- Kelvin/ temperature: kel1
- Kibble balance: kb1
- Kilogram/ mass standards/ weighing: kms1
- Lamb shift high Z: lshz1
- Lamb shift other: lso1
- Laser cooling of atoms or ions: lsrcool1
- Laser spectroscopy: lspec1
- Lattice basis sets: lbs1
- Lattice QCD: lqcd1
- Least squares adjustments of constants/ algorithms: lsa1
- Light or photon source technology for spectroscopy: lightsr1
- Line narrowing techniques: lnt1
- Lithium energy levels: liel1
- Lithium fine structure: lifs1
- lithium ion hyperfine splitting: Liihfs1
- Lithiumlike - configuration interaction: lici1
- Lithium like energy levels: lilel1
- Lithiumlike - hylleraas variables: lihv1
- Lithiumlike ions: Lili1
- Lorentz transformations: lt1
- Low-noise detection methods: lnd1
- Magnetic flux quantum: mfq1
- Magnetic monopoles: mmon1
- Mass ratios: mr1
- material variation of the constants: mvc1
- Mathematics - classical analysis: mca1
- Mathematics - generalized functions: mgf1
- Mathematics - perturbation theory: mpt1
- Mathematics - special functions: msf1
- MCDF calculation: mcdf1
- Meter Convention/CGPM/CIPM/BIPM/history: metcon1
- Meter/ wavelengths/ distance: mwl1
- metrological applications of optical clocks: maooc1
- Modified Newtonian Dynamics: MOND1
- Molar gas constant: mgc1
- molar Planck constant: nah1
- Mole/ amount of substance: mol1
- Multi-electron atomic code: meac1
- Muon anomalous magnetic moment/ (g-2)/2: amu1
- Muon anomalous magnetic moment : hadronic: amuhad1
- muon-electron ions of LiBeB: mueiLiBeB1
- muon-electron ions of light elements: mueiEl1
- muonic atoms energy levels: muael1
- muonic atoms Lamb shift nuclear spin not one half: muaLSxh1
- muonic deuterium Lamb shift: mudls1
- Muonic deuterium: mud1
- muonic helium ions: muhei1
- Muonic helium Lamb shift: mhels1
- Muonic Helium: muhe1
- muonic hydrogen hyperfine splitting: muhhfs1
- Muonic hydrogen Lamb shift: muhls1
- Muonic Hydrogen: muh1
- Muonic ions lamb shift: muils1
- Muonic lithium atoms: mulia1
- Muonic lithium ions: mulii1
- Muonic other atoms: muoa1
- muonic tritium: mut1
- Muonium energy levels: muel1
- Muonium fine structure: mufs1
- Muonium hyperfine splitting: muhfs1
- Muonium Lamb shift: muls1
- Muon lifetime: mul1
- muon light-by-light: muonlbl1
- muon magnetic moment anomaly: light-by-light: amulbl1
- Muon magnetic moment/ g-factor: gmu1
- Muon mass: mmu1
- MUSE experiment at PSI: MUSEexp1
- Natural line width: nlw1
- Neutron lifetime: nl1
- Neutron magnetic moment/ g-factor: gn1
- Neutron mass: mn1
- new fundamental constant: nfc1
- New physics beyond the standard model: npbsm1
- Newtonian gravitational constant/ big G: bg1
- Noise thermometry: noth1
- Nuclear charge radius: ncr1
- Nuclear electromagnetic radius: ner1
- Nuclear magnetic resonance: nmr1
- Nuclear magnetic shielding: nms1
- Nuclear magneton: nm1
- nuclear polarization: nup1
- Numerical calculation of two-loop diagrams: nctl1
- Ohm/ resistance: ohm1
- Parity nonconservation: pn1
- particle masses other than electron and proton: pmoep1