We intend to continue the tradition of having the invited speakers publish
an associated paper in a dedicated volume of the AIP Conference Proceedings
series. Instructions
for preparation of your manuscript for inclusion in the Conference
Proceedings are provided by AIP, the publisher.
The proceedings will be published using the 6x9 inch format.
Camera-ready manuscripts (with a strict limit of 10 pages) for invited
talks will be due at the conference, along with completed Transfer of
Copyright Agreements and any necessary permissions to reprint published
The Proceedings of the APiP-07 were published in hardcopy,
CD-ROM, and online in August 2007.
Due to increased security, no on-site registrations will be accepted and all attendees must be pre-registered.
Photo identification must be presented at the Visitor Center to be admitted to the conference. Attendees must wear their conference badge at all times while on the campus.
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