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[ASD Home][Lines Query][Levels Query][List of Spectra][Ground States and Ionization Energies] [Bibliography][Help] NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory

Go to top of ASD Help  The ASD database provides data on ground states and ionization energies for atoms and atomic ions. For more information consult Introduction to and Contents of the ASD.

  Ground States and Ionization Energies (GSIE) Search Form

This search form, referred to as the GSIE Form, provides access to the ground state specifications, ionization energies, and total binding energies data. Submitting information provided by the user on the GSIE Form generates a list of GSIE data for specified spectra (elements and ionization stages).

At a minimum, the user must enter the spectra of interest (e.g., C I) and then click "Retrieve Data".

The GSIE Search Form prompts the user for the following information:

For GSIE output, the default is to display the following data:

To suppress display of any of the information listed above, the corresponding checkbox can be unclicked.

Go to top of page   Selecting Spectra for GSIE Searches

The Ground States and Ionization Energies (GSIE) Spectra input box works in exactly the same way as the Spectra input box in the Line Search.

Examples of most common Spectra for the GSIE Search

To specifyEnter
All neutral atoms H-Ds I
All spectra of sodium Na 
Spectra of all elements between Ne and Fe in
isoelectronic sequences between Ne-like and S-like
Ne-Fe Ne-like-S-like
Lithium-like magnesium Mg x
Lithium-like magnesium mg Li-like
Singly-ionized 11B 11B II


Go to top of page   Output for GSIE
(by table column heading)

Go to top of page  Ground Shells

The ground shells designation is given in groups of symbols: an integer number corresponding to the principal quantum number of the shell, followed by the standard electronic shell symbol (e.g., s, p, d) with a superscript indicating the number of electrons the shell ("1" is omitted for brevity).

For complex atoms and ions with a large number of occupied electronic shells, certain groups of fully-occupied shells are designated with an element symbol corresponding to a neutral atom having these fully occupied shells in its ground state, given in square brackets before the list of outer shells. These shell groups are listed below:

Go to top of page  Ground Configuration

In this column, ASD gives the electronic configuration for the largest component in the calculated eigenvector of the ground level. These largest components are determined by theoretical calculations involving various approximations. Thus, some uncertainties are involved, especially for complex heavy atoms or ions. Any ancestor terms or J values appropriate to this eigenvector component are normally included with the configuration, as in the examples in the Introduction to Atomic Spectroscopy.

See more about configuration designations in the Help for Levels sections and in the Introduction to Atomic Spectroscopy.

Go to top of page  Ground Level

In this column, ASD gives the term symbol and J value for the largest component in the calculated eigenvector of the ground level. As with the configurations (see above), some uncertainties may be involved, especially for complex heavy atoms or ions.

Go to top of page  Ionized Level

Designations given in this column include the configuration, term, and J value corresponding to the ground state of the next ion (i.e., the ion obtained by removing one electron from the given atom or ion).

Go to top of page  Ionization Energy

This quantity is the minimum energy required to remove one electron from the atom or ion in its ground state. The ionization energies are stored in the database in units of cm−1. Output in these units gives the most accurate values. Conversion to other units (eV or Rydberg) involves an additional uncertainty of the conversion factor. These factors, as well as their uncertainties, are taken from the latest CODATA recommended conversion factors. Before ASD version 5.5 of October 2017, uncertainties of these conversion factors were not taken into account in the displayed data. Starting with v.5.5, these uncertainties are combined in quadrature with the uncertainties of the stored data, and the output quantities are rounded off according to the combined uncertainties. Thus, the accuracy of the output energies is somewhat degraded when the units of eV or Rydberg are used.

Some ionization energies are in square brackets "[ ]" and some are in parentheses "( )". Square brackets indicate the energies determined by interpolation, extrapolation, or other semi-empirical procedure relying on some known experimental values. Parentheses indicate energies that have been determined from an ab-initio calculation, or are otherwise not derived from evaluated experimental data. Theoretical values are typically given for highly-ionized spectra, where experimental data are scarce. Theoretical data may also be given for hydrogen-like and helium-like spectra, where the accuracy of quantum-electrodynamic calculations often exceeds that of experimental observations.

Go to top of page  Total Binding Energy

This quantity is the minimum energy required to remove all electrons from the atom or ion in its ground state. It is calculated online by summing up all relevant ionization energies. If the calculation involves some experimental or semi-empirical ionization energies, the value of the binding energy is treated as semiempirical and is enclosed in square brackets. If all the involved ionization energies are purely theoretical, the resulting binding energy is also considered to be theoretical and appears in the output enclosed in parentheses.

Go to top of page  Uncertainty

Uncertainty of the ionization or binding energy value is given in a column next to the energy value, if it is available in ASD, provided that the corresponding checkbox is checked in the input form. If no explicit information about the uncertainty is available, it will be blank in the output. In such cases, the number of significant figures in the energy value gives an approximate estimate of the uncertainty. It is usually safe to assume that the probable error is between 2.5 and ~25 units in the last place. About 90 % of data in ASD satisfies this assumption. A better estimate of the uncertainty in a particular case may sometimes be obtained by consulting the original paper(s).

Note that, if the output is requested in the default units of eV or in the Rydberg units, the displayed uncertainties include the uncertainties of the corresponding conversion factors from the units of cm−1. See more about this in the section for Ionization Energy.

For binding energies (determined as a sum of ionization energies of consecutive ionization stages), uncertainties are estimated from those of the ionization energies involved. Uncertainties of ionization energies taken from the same literature source are summed up linearly, assuming they are dominated by systematics. Uncertainties resulting from different sources are summed up in quadrature. If the uncertainty of an ionization energy involved in the summation is unknown, it is estimated as ten units of the least significant figure of the ionization energy.

Go to top of ASD Help  Bibliographic References

For information on viewing the references, see the Locating references in the ASD Bibliography section of the "Help" file.
[ASD Home][Lines Query][Levels Query][List of Spectra][Ground States and Ionization Energies] [Bibliography][Help] NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory