NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Handbook of Basic Atomic Spectroscopic Data

[skip navigation] National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Argon (Ar) 

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Persistent Lines of Singly Ionized Argon ( Ar II )

Int.    Wavelength   Aki         Energy          Configuration      Term    J     Line   Aki
           (Å)       (108s-1)    Levels (cm-1)                                    Ref.   Ref.
150 661.8690 8.05 0.0000 3s23p5 23/2 M71 VVF96 151087.3128 3s23p4(3P)3d 2D 5/2 300 670.9455 6.43 1431.5831 3s23p5 21/2 M71 VVF96 150474.9900 3s23p4(3P)3d 2D 3/2 1000 671.8513 7.90 0.0000 3s23p5 23/2 M71 VVF96 148842.4674 3s23p4(1D)4s 2D 5/2 1000 723.3606 23.1 0.0000 3s23p5 23/2 M71 VVF96 138243.6442 3s23p4(3P)4s 2P 3/2 300 919.7810 1.43 0.0000 3s23p5 23/2 M71 M03 108721.53 3s3p6 2S 1/2 300 932.0537 0.700 1431.5831 3s23p5 21/2 M71 M03 108721.53 3s3p6 2S 1/2 200 4277.528 0.80 148842.4674 3s23p4(1D)4s 2D 5/2 N73 FW96 172213.8800 3s23p4(1D)4p 23/2 250 4348.064 1.17 134241.7392 3s23p4(3P)4s 4P 5/2 N73 FW96 157234.0200 3s23p4(3P)4p 47/2 200 4609.567 0.789 148842.4674 3s23p4(1D)4s 2D 5/2 N73 FW96 170530.4041 3s23p4(1D)4p 27/2 200 4726.868 0.588 138243.6442 3s23p4(3P)4s 2P 3/2 N73 FW96 159393.3850 3s23p4(3P)4p 23/2 250 4764.865 0.64 139258.3384 3s23p4(3P)4s 2P 1/2 N73 FW96 160239.4280 3s23p4(3P)4p 23/2 200 4806.020 0.780 134241.7392 3s23p4(3P)4s 4P 5/2 N73 FW96 155043.1622 3s23p4(3P)4p 45/2 250 4879.864 0.823 138243.6442 3s23p4(3P)4s 2P 3/2 N73 FW96 158730.2997 3s23p4(3P)4p 25/2

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