NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Handbook of Basic Atomic Spectroscopic Data

[skip navigation] National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Cadmium (Cd) 

Homepage - IntroductionFinding listSelect element by name.Select element by atomic number.Select element from periodic tableCadmium Atomic DataCadmium Strong LinesCadmium Neutral Atom Persistent Lines Cadmium Neutral Atom Energy LevelsCadmium Singly Ionized Persistent LinesCadmium Singly Ionized Energy LevelsCadmium References
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Persistent Lines of Neutral Cadmium ( Cd I )

Int.    Wavelength   Aki        Energy          Configuration    Term    J   Line   Aki
           (Å)       (108s-1)   Levels (cm-1)                                Ref.   Ref.
800 2288.022 5.3 0.000 5s2 1S 0 BA56 FW96 43692.384 5s5p 1P° 1 400 3403.652 0.77 30113.990 5s5p 3P° 0 BA56 FW96 59485.768 5s5d 3D 1 500 3466.200 1.2 30656.087 5s5p 3P° 1 BA56 FW96 59497.868 5s5d 3D 2 400 3467.655 0.67 30656.087 5s5p 3P° 1 BA56 FW96 59485.768 5s5d 3D 1 500 3610.508 1.3 31826.952 5s5p 3P° 2 BA56 FW96 59515.980 5s5d 3D 3 400 3612.873 0.35 31826.952 5s5p 3P° 2 BA56 FW96 59497.868 5s5d 3D 2 100 4678.149 0.13 30113.990 5s5p 3P° 0 BA56 FW96 51483.980 5s6s 3S 1 150 4799.912 0.41 30656.087 5s5p 3P° 1 BA56 FW96 51483.980 5s6s 3S 1 500 5085.822 0.56 31826.952 5s5p 3P° 2 BA56 FW96 51483.980 5s6s 3S 1 1000 6438.470 0.59 43692.384 5s5p 1P° 1 BA56 FW96 59219.734 5s5d 1D 2

Homepage - IntroductionFinding listSelect element by name.Select element by atomic number.Select element from periodic tableCadmium Atomic DataCadmium Strong LinesCadmium Neutral Atom Persistent Lines Cadmium Neutral Atom Energy LevelsCadmium Singly Ionized Persistent LinesCadmium Singly Ionized Energy LevelsCadmium References
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