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CFSK74 | W. J. Childs, M. Fred, E. Schrodl, and T. A. M. van Kleef, Phys. Rev. A 10, 1028 (1974). |
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CLS97 | P. Colarusso, M. A. Lebeault-Dorget, and B. Simard, Phys. Rev. A 55, 1526 (1997). |
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FW96 | J. R. Fuhr and W. L. Wiese, NIST Atomic Transition Probability Tables, CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics, 77th Edition, D. R. Lide, Ed., CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL (1996). |
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K57 | T. A. M. van Kleef, Physica 23, 843 (1957). We have changed the order of electron coupling for the 5d76s6p configuration, as indicated in [CFSK74]. |
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KM78 | T. A. M. van Kleef and B. C. Metsch, Physica 95, 251 (1978). We have made configuration and/or term assignments, or omitted such assignments, on the basis of the calculated eigenvectors. |
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MCS75 | W. F. Meggers, C. H. Corliss, and B. F. Scribner, Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Monogr. 145 (1975). |
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