NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Handbook of Basic Atomic Spectroscopic Data

[skip navigation] National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Iron (Fe) 

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Persistent Lines of Neutral Iron ( Fe I )

Int.    Wavelength   Aki          Energy          Configuration      Term    J   Line     Aki
           (Å)       (108s-1)     Levels (cm-1)                                  Ref.     Ref.
1000 2483.2708 4.81 0.000 3d64s2 a 5D 4 NJLT94 OWLW91 40257.311 3d6(5D)4s4p(1P) x 5F° 5 600 2488.1426 4.20 415.933 3d64s2 a 5D 3 NJLT94 OWLW91 40594.429 3d6(5D)4s4p(1P) x 5F° 4 500 2490.6443 3.45 704.007 3d64s2 a 5D 2 NJLT94 OWLW91 40842.151 3d6(5D)4s4p(1P) x 5F° 3 400 2522.8494 2.13 0.000 3d64s2 a 5D 4 NJLT94 OWLW91 39625.801 3d6(5D)4s4p(1P) x 5D° 4 400 2719.0273 1.42 0.000 3d64s2 a 5D 4 NJLT94 OWLW91 36766.964 3d6(5D)4s4p(1P) y 5P° 3 300 2788.1047 0.59 6928.268 3d7(4F)4s a 5F 5 NJLT94 OWLW91 42784.349 3d6(3H)4s4p(3P) y 5G° 6 400 3440.6060 0.171 0.000 3d64s2 a 5D 4 NJLT94 M03 29056.322 3d6(5D)4s4p(3P) z 5P° 3 600 3581.1931 1.02 6928.268 3d7(4F)4s a 5F 5 NJLT94 FW96 34843.955 3d7(4F)4p z 5G° 6 600 3719.9348 0.162 0.000 3d64s2 a 5D 4 NJLT94 FW96 26874.548 3d6(5D)4s4p(3P) z 5F° 5 700 3734.8638 0.902 6928.268 3d7(4F)4s a 5F 5 NJLT94 FW96 33695.395 3d7(4F)4p y 5F° 5 600 3737.1316 0.141 415.933 3d64s2 a 5D 3 NJLT94 M03 27166.818 3d6(5D)4s4p(3P) z 5F° 4 600 3745.5613 0.115 704.007 3d64s2 a 5D 2 NJLT94 FW96 27394.689 3d6(5D)4s4p(3P) z 5F° 3 300 3748.2622 0.0914 888.132 3d64s2 a 5D 1 NJLT94 M03 27559.581 3d6(5D)4s4p(3P) z 5F° 2 400 3749.4854 0.764 7376.764 3d7(4F)4s a 5F 4 NJLT94 FW96 34039.514 3d7(4F)4p y 5F° 4 300 3758.2329 0.634 7728.059 3d7(4F)4s a 5F 3 NJLT94 FW96 34328.750 3d7(4F)4p y 5F° 3 500 3820.4253 0.668 6928.268 3d7(4F)4s a 5F 5 NJLT94 FW96 33095.939 3d7(4F)4p y 5D° 4 500 3859.9114 0.0969 0.000 3d64s2 a 5D 4 NJLT94 M03 25899.987 3d6(5D)4s4p(3P) z 5D° 4 300 3886.2822 0.0530 415.933 3d64s2 a 5D 3 NJLT94 M03 26140.177 3d6(5D)4s4p(3P) z 5D° 3 300 4045.8125 0.863 11976.238 3d7(4F)4s a 3F 4 NJLT94 FW96 36686.174 3d7(4F)4p y 3F° 4 200 4383.5449 0.500 11976.238 3d7(4F)4s a 3F 4 NJLT94 FW96 34782.419 3d7(4F)4p z 5G° 5

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