NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Handbook of Basic Atomic Spectroscopic Data

[skip navigation] National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Neodymium (Nd) 

Homepage - IntroductionFinding listSelect element by name.Select element by atomic number.Select element from periodic tableNeodymium Atomic DataNeodymium Strong LinesNeodymium Neutral Atom Persistent Lines Neodymium Neutral Atom Energy LevelsNeodymium Singly Ionized Persistent LinesNeodymium Singly Ionized Energy LevelsNeodymium References
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Persistent Lines of Neutral Neodymium ( Nd I )

Int.    Wavelength   Aki        Energy          Configuration     Term    J   Line    Aki
           (Å)       (108s-1)   Levels (cm-1)                                 Ref.    Ref.
600 4621.94 0.56 2366.597 4f46s2 5I 6 MCS75 M00 23996.513 ° 6 1000 4634.24 0.84 0.000 4f46s2 5I 4 MCS75 M00 21572.610 4f46s6p 5H° 3 700 4641.10 MCS75 600 4649.67 MCS75 600 4683.45 0.52 0.000 4f46s2 5I 4 MCS75 M00 21345.837 ° 4 500 4719.02 0.33 0.000 4f46s2 5I 4 MCS75 M00 21184.881 ° 4 700 4883.81 0.88 5048.602 4f46s2 5I 8 MCS75 K91 25518.700 4f46s6p 5K° 9 500 4896.93 0.59 1128.056 4f46s2 5I 5 MCS75 K91 21543.326 4f46s6p 5K° 6 900 4924.53 0.90 0.000 4f46s2 5I 4 MCS75 M00 20300.875 4f46s6p 5K° 5 500 4944.83 0.67 1128.056 4f46s2 5I 5 MCS75 M00 21345.572 ° 6 600 4954.78 0.29 0.000 4f46s2 5I 4 MCS75 M00 20176.912 ° 5

Homepage - IntroductionFinding listSelect element by name.Select element by atomic number.Select element from periodic tableNeodymium Atomic DataNeodymium Strong LinesNeodymium Neutral Atom Persistent Lines Neodymium Neutral Atom Energy LevelsNeodymium Singly Ionized Persistent LinesNeodymium Singly Ionized Energy LevelsNeodymium References
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