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BW92b | J. Blaise and J.-F. Wyart, Energy Levels and Atomic Spectra of Actinides, International Tables of Selected Constants 20, Paris (1992). Also available at http://www.lac.universite-paris-saclay.fr/Data/Database/. The authors note that the Np II energy-level analysis is preliminary. Only one Np II line is given with an energy-level classification. |
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FTBC76 | M. Fred, F. S. Tomkins, J. E. Blaise, P. Camus, and J. Vergés, Argonne Natl. Lab. Rep. No. 76-68 (1976). |
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KDEE97 | S. Köhler, R. Diessenberger, K. Eberhardt, N. Erdmann, G. Herrmann, G. Huber, J. V. Kratz, M. Nunnemann, G. Passler, P. M. Rao, J. Riegel, N. Trautmann, and K. Wendt, Spectrochim. Acta B 52, 717 (1997). |
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