NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Handbook of Basic Atomic Spectroscopic Data

[skip navigation] National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Sulfur (S) 

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Persistent Lines of Neutral Sulfur ( S I )

Int.    Wavelength   Aki         Energy          Configuration      Term    J   Line   Aki
           (Å)       (108s-1)    Levels (cm-1)                                  Ref.   Ref.
1000 1425.030 2.92 0.000 3s23p4 3P 2 KM93 M03 70173.968 3s23p3(4S°)3d 3D° 3 600 1433.280 2.16 396.055 3s23p4 3P 1 KM93 M03 70166.195 3s23p3(4S°)3d 3D° 2 200 1433.310 1.20 396.055 3s23p4 3P 1 KM93 M03 70164.650 3s23p3(4S°)3d 3D° 1 1000 1473.995 1.82 0.000 3s23p4 3P 2 KM93 M03 67842.867 3s23p3(2D°)4s 3D° 3 900 1666.688 6.3 9238.609 3s23p4 1D 2 KM93 FW96 69237.886 3s23p3(2D°)4s 1D° 2 800 1687.530 0.94 22179.954 3s23p4 1S 0 KM93 FW96 81438.30 3s23p3(2D°)3d 1P° 1 1000 1807.311 3.08 0.000 3s23p4 3P 2 KM93 M03 55330.811 3s23p3(4S°)4s 3S° 1 900 1820.343 1.70 396.055 3s23p4 3P 1 KM93 M03 55330.811 3s23p3(4S°)4s 3S° 1 800 1826.245 0.549 573.640 3s23p4 3P 0 KM93 M03 55330.811 3s23p3(4S°)4s 3S° 1 150 9212.865 0.30 52623.640 3s23p3(4S°)4s 5S° 2 KM93 WSM69 63475.051 3s23p3(4S°)4p 5P 3 100 9228.092 0.28 52623.640 3s23p3(4S°)4s 5S° 2 KM93 WSM69 63457.142 3s23p3(4S°)4p 5P 2 80 9237.538 0.28 52623.640 3s23p3(4S°)4s 5S° 2 KM93 WSM69 63446.065 3s23p3(4S°)4p 5P 1 200 10455.451 0.22 55330.811 3s23p3(4S°)4s 3S° 1 KM93 WSM69 64892.582 3s23p3(4S°)4p 3P 2 30 10456.757 0.22 55330.811 3s23p3(4S°)4s 3S° 1 KM93 WSM69 64891.386 3s23p3(4S°)4p 3P 0 130 10459.406 0.22 55330.811 3s23p3(4S°)4s 3S° 1 KM93 WSM69 64888.964 3s23p3(4S°)4p 3P 1

Homepage - IntroductionFinding listSelect element by name.Select element by atomic number.Select element from periodic tableSulfur Atomic DataSulfur Strong LinesSulfur Neutral Atom Persistent Lines Sulfur Neutral Atom Energy LevelsSulfur Singly Ionized Persistent LinesSulfur Singly Ionized Energy LevelsSulfur References
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