NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Handbook of Basic Atomic Spectroscopic Data

[skip navigation] National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Thorium (Th) 

Homepage - IntroductionFinding listSelect element by name.Select element by atomic number.Select element from periodic tableThorium Atomic DataThorium Strong LinesThorium Neutral Atom Persistent Lines Thorium Neutral Atom Energy LevelsThorium Singly Ionized Persistent LinesThorium Singly Ionized Energy LevelsThorium References
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Persistent Lines of Singly Ionized Thorium ( Th II )

Int.    Wavelength   Aki        Energy          Configuration     Term    J      Line   Aki
           (Å)       (108s-1)   Levels (cm-1)                                    Ref.   Ref.
300 2837.2954 6213.490 6d2(3F)7s 4F 9/2 PE83 41447.959 6d2(3F)7p 411/2 250 3180.1937 0.88 1521.896 6d2(3F)7s 4F 5/2 PE83 NZLJ02 32957.429 6d2(3F)7p 47/2 250 3351.2286 0.37 1521.896 6d2(3F)7s 4F 5/2 PE83 NZLJ02 31353.125 6d7s(3D)7p ° 3/2 300 3392.0349 1521.896 6d2(3F)7s 4F 5/2 PE83 30994.266 6d7s(3D)7p 47/2 250 3433.9988 0.27 1859.938 6d2(3F)7s 4F 3/2 PE83 NZLJ02 30972.162 6d2(3F)7p ° 5/2 300 3469.9208 0.51 4146.576 6d2(3F)7s 4F 7/2 PE83 NZLJ02 32957.429 6d2(3F)7p 47/2 250 3609.4452 4113.359 6d(2D)7s2 5/2 PE83 31810.548 6d7s(3D)7p ° 5/2 300 3741.1830 0.54 1521.896 6d2(3F)7s 4F 5/2 PE83 NZLJ02 28243.812 6d7s(3D)7p ° 5/2 1000 4019.1289 0.41 0.000 6d2(3F)7s 3/2 PE83 NZLJ02 24873.983 6d7s(3D)7p ° 5/2 250 4116.7137 6168.356 5f6d(3H°)7s 47/2 PE83 30452.725 5f6d(3H°)7p 9/2 300 4381.8616 6700.186 5f6d(3H°)7s ° 9/2 PE83 29515.134 5f2(3F)7s 9/2 250 4391.1105 4490.262 5f(2F°)7s2 25/2 PE83 27257.149 5f7s(3F°)7p 7/2

Homepage - IntroductionFinding listSelect element by name.Select element by atomic number.Select element from periodic tableThorium Atomic DataThorium Strong LinesThorium Neutral Atom Persistent Lines Thorium Neutral Atom Energy LevelsThorium Singly Ionized Persistent LinesThorium Singly Ionized Energy LevelsThorium References
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