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CABC82 | A. Coste, R. Avril, P. Blancard, J. Chatelet, D. Lambert, J. Legre, S. Liberman, and J. Pinard, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 72, 103 (1982). |
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NIJL02 | H. Nilsson, S. Ivarsson, S. Johansson, and H. Lundberg, Astron. Astrophys. 381, 1090 (2002). |
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PKE80 | B. A. Palmer, R. A. Keller, and R. Engleman, Jr., Los Alamos Natl. Lab. Report LA-8251-MS (1980). |
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SPMR72 | D. W. Steinhaus, M. V. Phillips, J. B. Moody, L. J. Radziemski, Jr., K. J. Fisher, and D. R. Hahn, Los Alamos Sci. Lab. Rep. LA-4944 (1972). |
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SRC71 | D. W. Steinhaus, L. J. Radziemski, Jr., and R. D. Cowan, Natl. Aeronaut. Space Admin. Spec. Publ. NASA SP-236, 151 (1971). |
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