Spectrum of Platinum homepage

Lines and intensities in the range 2958-2974 Å.


  2958.02      33796.5        510     Pt II   110258- 76461  K
  2958.2529    33793.863     2300     Pt II    96614- 62820  11
  2958.5030    33791.007     1200     Pt II    32237- 66028  11
  2959.0936    33784.263     4100     Pt I     15501- 49286  E
  2959.26      33782.4        150     Pt II    43737- 77519  K
  2960.4556    33768.72       220     Ne II                  C
  2960.7494    33765.369    11000     Pt I     63922- 30156  N
  2961.53      33756.5         28
  2962.02      33750.9         74     Pt II    41434- 75184  K
  2963.2351    33737.046    53000     Ne II                  G
  2964.01      33728.2         68
  2964.31      33724.8         64
  2965.68      33709.2         70
  2966.03      33705.3        270
  2966.78      33696.7        190     Pt II   110158- 76461  K
  2967.1827    33692.164    74000     Ne II                  G
  2969.18      33669.5         38
  2969.3909    33667.11       170     Ne II                  C
  2969.82      33662.2        430
  2971.07      33648.1        110     Pt II   110258- 76610  K
  2972.2799    33634.388     1500     Ne II                  G
  2972.8560    33627.87       490 W   Ne II                  C
  2972.9959    33626.287     6200     Ne II                  G
  2973.16      33624.4        220     Pt II   111162- 77538  K
  2973.74      33617.9         69     Pt II    50564- 84182  K
Character descriptor definitions (appear to right of intensity)
Code definitions

Photoelectric spectrum

2958-2974 Å

                      WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) - AIR

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