Spectrum of Platinum homepage

Lines and intensities in the range 3790-3806 Å.


  3790.50      26374.3         98
  3790.918     26371.35      1500     Ne II                  C
  3791.59      26366.7        580     Pt I     68169- 41802  N
  3792.161     26362.70       500     Ne II                  C
  3793.2055    26355.443              Rh I
  3793.26      26355.1        260     Pt II   105962- 79607  K
  3793.55      26353.0        300
  3794.5166    26346.337      460     Pt II    41434- 67780  K
  3795.01      26342.9         55
  3795.2677    26341.123      370
  3795.54      26339.2         95
  3798.2534    26320.418     1000
  3798.3227    26319.937     1500     Ne II                  G
  3798.74      26317.0        160     Pt I     65132- 38815  N
  3798.88      26316.1        180
  3799.32      26313.0                Rh I
  3799.64      26310.8        180
  3799.9645    26308.566    17000     Ne II                  G
  3800.456     26305.16       870     Ne II                  C
  3800.80      26302.8        270
  3801.0723    26300.899    20000 D   Pt I     15501- 41802  E
  3802.3589    26291.999     1400     Pt I     68094- 41802  N
  3802.83      26288.7         90
  3803.0226    26287.412     1600     Pt I     68947- 42660  N
  3803.17      26286.4        510
  3804.40      26277.9        130
  3805.2973    26271.698      500     Pt I     62567- 36296  N
  3805.8569    26267.835     1500
Character descriptor definitions (appear to right of intensity)
Code definitions

Photoelectric spectrum

3790-3806 Å

                      WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) - AIR

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