Spectrum of Platinum homepage

Lines and intensities in the range 3822-3838 Å.


  3822.25      26155.2                Rh I
  3822.7531    26151.736     2900 L   Pt II   101517- 75365  K
  3823.152     26149.01      2200     Ne II                  C
  3824.4436    26140.177              Fe I                   Q
  3825.8814    26130.354              Fe I                   Q
  3827.8227    26117.102              Fe I                   Q
  3828.46      26112.8                Rh I
  3829.34      26106.8        180
  3829.7503    26103.957    69000     Ne II                  G
  3832.31      26086.5                Mg I
  3834.2224    26073.511              Fe I                   Q
  3835.20      26066.9        190
  3837.29      26052.7        350     Pt I      6567- 32620  N
Character descriptor definitions (appear to right of intensity)
Code definitions

Photoelectric spectrum

3822-3838 Å

                      WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) - AIR

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