Spectrum of Platinum homepage

Lines and intensities in the range 4094-4110 Å.


  4094.36      24416.9        490     Pt I     65387- 40970  N
  4095.31      24411.3        430
  4095.5370    24409.933     2800     Pt I     59731- 35321  E
  4097.48      24398.4       1700     Pt I     68831- 44432  N
  4098.1807    24394.187      280
  4098.77      24390.7        590
  4098.864     24390.12     13000     Ne II                  C
  4100.354     24381.26      3900     Ne II                  C
  4100.95      24377.7        190
  4101.36      24375.3        260
  4101.928     24371.90       320     Ne II                  C
  4104.36      24357.5        400
  4104.68      24355.6        490
  4104.73      24355.3        490
  4105.4613    24350.927      820     Pt II    32237- 56587  16
  4106.61      24344.1        220
  4107.60      24338.2        150     Pt I     65308- 40970  N
  4108.05      24335.6        180
  4109.05      24329.7        550     Pt I     68275- 43945  N
  4109.61      24326.3        450     Pt I     68759- 44432  N
  4109.88      24324.7        250
Character descriptor definitions (appear to right of intensity)
Code definitions

Photoelectric spectrum

4094-4110 Å

                      WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) - AIR

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