Spectrum of Platinum homepage

Lines and intensities in the range 4078-4094 Å.


  4080.516     24499.79      5900     Ne II                  C
  4081.4669    24494.080    14000 C   Pt I     60790- 36296  E
  4083.9285    24479.316      330
  4084.7775    24474.229     2900     Pt I     64668- 40194  N
  4085.21      24471.6        220
  4086.769     24462.30      3100     Ne II                  C
  4087.3313    24458.937     2800     Pt I     26638- 51097  E
  4090.0628    24442.603     5100     Pt I     59764- 35321  E
  4092.2522    24429.526    19000     Pt I     59751- 35321  E
  4092.92      24425.5        400     Pt I     65395- 40970  N
Character descriptor definitions (appear to right of intensity)
Code definitions

Photoelectric spectrum

4078-4094 Å

                      WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) - AIR

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