Spectrum of Platinum homepage

Lines and intensities in the range 4254-4270 Å.


  4254.32      23498.9                Cr I
  4254.51      23497.9        250
  4254.59      23497.4        270
  4256.85      23484.9        900
  4257.180     23483.12      1700     Ne II                  C
  4257.395     23481.93      1700     Ne II                  C
  4257.8028    23479.683    19000     Ne II                  G
  4258.60      23475.3        270
  4259.43      23470.7        470
  4259.9310    23467.953     3800     Pt I     59764- 36296  E
  4260.99      23462.1        200     Pt II   106434- 82972  K
  4261.09      23461.6        220
  4261.91      23457.1        250     Ne III                 L
  4263.02      23450.9        400
  4263.24      23449.7        290
  4263.5022    23448.296     4600     Pt I     60790- 37342  E
  4265.16      23439.2        750     Ne III                 AL
  4265.16      23439.2        750     Pt I     68169- 44730  AN
  4265.95      23434.8        400
  4267.46      23426.5        440     Pt II   105962- 82535  K
  4268.05      23423.3        520     Ne III                 L
  4268.36      23421.6        260
  4268.70      23419.7        220
  4269.2490    23416.733     1900     Pt I     26638- 50055  E
  4269.72      23414.1        930
Character descriptor definitions (appear to right of intensity)
Code definitions

Photoelectric spectrum

4254-4270 Å

                      WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) - AIR

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