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Search for Publications on Atomic Energy Levels and Spectra Version History  Disclaimer  Help on search
The database presently contains 23066 references dating from 1802 to 2024. Last updated on July 25, 2024. DOI: 10.18434/T40K53
Spectra:   e.g., Fe I, or Na, or Mg+, or Al3+, or mg iv,vi-VIII,
or Fe ne-like-S-like, or Ne-Fe I-III, or S-, or D I, or 7Li I
    Exotic atoms only Exclude exotic atoms
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Method type  Specific Subject  General Interest Category

Sort by:  published year, first author's last name.

For help or more information, contact A. E. Kramida.
This database was funded [in part] by NIST's Standard Reference Data Program (SRDP) and by NIST's Systems Integration for Manufacturing Applications (SIMA) Program.
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NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Physical Reference Data Inquiries or comments: Feedback
Online: June 2006  -   Last update: July 25, 2024
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