Z | Atomic number | |
E | Photon energy in keV | |
λ | Equivalent wavelength using E ·λ = 1.23984244 keV-nm, from Ref. [51] | |
Atomic weight | g/mol, used in determination of conversion factors | |
ρ | Nominal density in typical elemental material for users g/cm3 | |
µa | Conversion for photoabsorption to barns/atom | |
Edge energies | Values taken from Ref. [26] | |
Edge labels | Spectroscopic notation (K=1s, LI=2s, LII=2p1/2, et seq.) | |
f1, f2 | Atomic scattering factors in electrons/atom (or eu) for forward scattering using (eq 3-7) and (eq 8-18) | |
frel | Relativistic correction to Re(f), following Ref. [6] (denoted H82), and Ref. [17-20] scaled as in Ref. [38,39] (denoted 3/5CL) | |
fNT | Nuclear Thomson correction to Re(f) following (eq 4) and Ref. [13,14] | |
f2, K-shell | Component of f2 relating to the isolated K-shell orbital | |
µ = µPE | Photoabsorption cross-section in cm2/g | |
µK | Component of µ relating to the isolated K-shell orbital | |
σ(coh+inc) = σcoh+σinc | Estimate of coherent and incoherent scattering cross-section sum | |
Attenuation coefficient = µ + σ(coh+inc) |
Attenuation coefficient in cm2/gm | |
Full lines on plots | Current tabulation (extended) for f1, f2, and µ | |
Dot-dash curves | Results reinterpolated from Ref. [15-16], for f1, f2, and µ | |
Dash in f2 plots | f2 K-shell | |
Dash in µ plots | σ(coh+inc) |