NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Handbook of Basic Atomic Spectroscopic Data

[skip navigation] National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Platinum (Pt) 

Homepage - IntroductionFinding listSelect element by name.Select element by atomic number.Select element from periodic tablePlatinum Atomic DataPlatinum Strong LinesPlatinum Neutral Atom Persistent Lines Platinum Neutral Atom Energy LevelsPlatinum Singly Ionized Persistent LinesPlatinum Singly Ionized Energy LevelsPlatinum References
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Persistent Lines of Singly Ionized Platinum ( Pt II )

Int.    Wavelength   Aki        Energy          Configuration         Term       J      Line     Aki
           (Å)       (108s-1)   Levels (cm-1)                                           Ref.     Ref.
600 1777.0866 8.77 4786.611 5d8(3F)6s 4F 9/2 SRSA92 WBJ95 61058.490 5d8(3F4)6p3/2 (4,3/211/2 600 1883.0587 2.98 13329.227 5d8(3P)6s 4P 5/2 SRSA92 WBJ95 66434.315 5d8(3P2)6p3/2 (2,3/27/2 400 1911.7092 5.12 9356.274 5d8(3F)6s 4F 7/2 SRSA92 WBJ95 61665.485 5d8(3F4)6p3/2 (4,3/27/2 250 1929.2449 3.72 9356.274 5d8(3F)6s 4F 7/2 SRSA92 WBJ95 61190.026 5d8(3F4)6p3/2 (4,3/25/2 250 2036.4666 2.40 4786.611 5d8(3F)6s 4F 9/2 SRSA92 WBJ95 53875.493 5d8(3F4)6p1/2 (4,1/29/2 900 2144.2458 3.93 4786.611 5d8(3F)6s 4F 9/2 SRSA92 WBJ95 51408.370 5d8(3F4)6p1/2 (4,1/27/2 600 2240.8965 56587.934 5d8(3P2)6p1/2 (2,1/23/2 SRSA92 101199.085 5d8(1D)7s 2D 5/2 400 2245.5244 2.14 9356.274 5d8(3F)6s 4F 7/2 SRSA92 WBJ95 53875.493 5d8(3F4)6p1/2 (4,1/29/2 300 2246.5216 57018.130 5d8(3P2)6p1/2 (2,1/25/2 SRSA92 101517.59 5d8(1D)7s 2D 3/2 600 2262.7185 57018.130 5d8(3P2)6p1/2 (2,1/25/2 SRSA92 101199.085 5d8(1D)7s 2D 5/2 400 2288.2050 1.45 13329.227 5d8(3P)6s 4P 5/2 SRSA92 WBJ95 57018.130 5d8(3P2)6p1/2 (2,1/25/2 500 2310.9626 2.01 13329.227 5d8(3P)6s 4P 5/2 SRSA92 WBJ95 56587.934 5d8(3P2)6p1/2 (2,1/23/2 300 2719.5239 64757.343 5d8(3F3)6p1/2 (3,1/25/2 SRSA92 101517.59 5d8(1D)7s 2D 3/2 300 2743.2944 64757.343 5d8(3F3)6p1/2 (3,1/25/2 SRSA92 101199.085 5d8(1D)7s 2D 5/2 1000 2875.6314 66434.315 5d8(3P2)6p3/2 (2,3/27/2 SRSA92 101199.085 5d8(1D)7s 2D 5/2

Homepage - IntroductionFinding listSelect element by name.Select element by atomic number.Select element from periodic tablePlatinum Atomic DataPlatinum Strong LinesPlatinum Neutral Atom Persistent Lines Platinum Neutral Atom Energy LevelsPlatinum Singly Ionized Persistent LinesPlatinum Singly Ionized Energy LevelsPlatinum References
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