Spectrum of Platinum homepage

Lines and intensities in the range 2590-2606 Å.


  2590.96      38584.2        130
  2591.88      38570.5         41
  2592.27      38564.7        200
  2592.67      38558.7        230
  2592.99      38554.0         38
  2593.25      38550.1         38
  2593.5555    38545.581     3700     Ne III                 L
  2593.86      38541.1         40
  2595.3814    38518.466     1100     Pt II    29261- 67780  K
  2595.6498    38514.483     2300     Ne III                 L
  2595.9986    38509.308     4900     Pt I     15501- 54011  E
  2597.27      38490.5        180     Ne III                 L
  2597.68      38484.4         32     Pt II    60986- 99471  K
  2598.3020    38475.172      260     Pt I     18566- 57041  N
  2599.36      38459.5         90     Pt II   110408- 71948  K
  2599.5423    38456.816      250     Pt I     21967- 60423  N
  2599.9043    38451.461      200     Pt I     15501- 53953  N
  2600.11      38448.4         86
  2600.24      38446.5         44     Pt II    32918- 71364  K
  2601.10      38433.8        110     Pt II   112433- 73999  K
  2602.09      38419.2         73     Pt I     10116- 48535  N
  2602.51      38413.0        130
  2602.66      38410.8        100
  2603.1374    38403.708    13000     Pt I     10131- 48535  E
  2603.6578    38396.032      110     Pt II    32918- 71314  11
  2604.47      38384.1         67
Character descriptor definitions (appear to right of intensity)
Code definitions

Photoelectric spectrum

2590-2606 Å

                      WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) - AIR

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