Spectrum of Platinum homepage

Lines and intensities in the range 3118-3134 Å.


  3118.1600    32060.898    12000     Ne II                  G
  3118.94      32052.9        470
  3119.8001    32044.044     2100     Pt I     21967- 54011  E
  3120.60      32035.8        170
  3120.86      32033.2       1200     Pt II   105794- 73761  K
  3121.64      32025.2        210
  3122.00      32021.5        160
  3123.365     32007.47       120     Ne II                  C
  3123.461     32006.49       330     Ne II                  C
  3123.7644    32003.380     1200     Pt II   110258- 78254  K
  3124.1846    31999.074     1900     Ne II                  G
  3124.99      31990.8         96
  3126.1965    31978.483    12000     Ne I                   G
  3126.57      31974.7        250
  3126.94      31970.9         85
  3127.22      31968.0         59     Pt II    42031- 73999  K
  3127.77      31962.4         80
  3132.01      31919.1        130     Pt II   114455- 82535  K
  3132.1882    31917.312     4400     Ne II                  G
  3133.01      31908.9         50
  3133.5572    31903.368     1900     Pt II   110158- 78254  K
  3133.6714    31902.206      260     Pt I     13496- 45398  E
Character descriptor definitions (appear to right of intensity)
Code definitions

Photoelectric spectrum

3118-3134 Å

                      WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) - AIR

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