Spectrum of Platinum homepage

Lines and intensities in the range 3166-3182 Å.


  3166.180     31574.66      1300     Ne II                  C
  3166.79      31568.6        140     Pt II   110020- 78452  K
  3167.2244    31564.252    35000     Pt II   101517- 69953  K
  3167.55      31561.0       1100     Ne I
  3168.12      31555.3         90     Pt II   111162- 79607  K
  3169.304     31543.54       290     Ne II                  C
  3169.72      31539.4         47
  3169.84      31538.2        120
  3172.27      31514.0         45     Pt II   117340- 85826  K
  3172.474     31512.03       960     Ne II                  C
  3173.5726    31501.115     8600     Ne II                  G
  3174.37      31493.2        240
  3174.49      31492.0        120     Pt II    46046- 77538  K
  3174.8232    31488.707      660     Pt I     18566- 50055  E
  3175.12      31485.8         32     Ne III                 L
  3175.44      31482.6         31     Pt II   114455- 82972  K
  3175.61      31480.9         46     Ne III                 L
  3175.90      31478.0        440     Pt II   121651- 90173  K
  3176.1199    31475.852     5900     Ne II                  G
  3176.548     31471.61      1400     Ne II                  C
  3177.745     31459.76       200     Ne II                  C
  3178.80      31449.3         29
  3179.02      31447.1        150
  3179.32      31444.2                Ca II
  3181.58      31421.8        120
Character descriptor definitions (appear to right of intensity)
Code definitions

Photoelectric spectrum

3166-3182 Å

                      WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) - AIR

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