Spectrum of Platinum homepage

Lines and intensities in the range 3438-3454 Å.


  3438.9331    29070.453     6600     Ne II                  G
  3440.6059    29056.320              Fe I                   R
  3440.7474    29055.125     3400     Ne II                  G
  3440.9887    29053.088              Fe I                   R
  3441.9762    29044.753     6500     Ne II                  G
  3442.1028    29043.685      330
  3443.7065    29030.159     8200     Ne II                  G
  3445.41      29015.8        140
  3447.7022    28996.516   660000     Ne I                   G
  3448.3169    28991.348      700 U   Pt I     64312- 35321  H
  3448.3424    28991.133     2000     Pt I     64312- 35321  H
  3448.3817    28990.803      600 P   Pt I     64312- 35321  H
  3449.5082    28981.336      310
  3450.7642    28970.788    97000     Ne I                   G
  3451.2854    28966.413      460
  3453.0685    28951.455    15000     Ne II                  G
Character descriptor definitions (appear to right of intensity)
Code definitions

Photoelectric spectrum

3438-3454 Å

                      WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) - AIR

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