Spectrum of Platinum homepage

Lines and intensities in the range 3566-3582 Å.


  3567.00      28026.8        690
  3568.2840    28016.675     3000 U   Pt I     64312- 36296  H
  3568.3094    28016.476     4500 P   Pt I     64312- 36296  H
  3568.3594    28016.083     3000 P   Pt I     64312- 36296  H
  3568.5022    28014.962   820000     Ne II                  G
  3569.8461    28004.416     1600
  3570.0985    28002.436              Fe I                   R
  3571.2311    27993.555   100000     Ne II                  G
  3571.9845    27987.651     1500 C   Pt II    29030- 57018  12
  3572.026     27987.33      1200 P   Ne II                  C
  3572.378     27984.57       330     Ne II                  C
  3573.3068    27977.295     1200     Pt I     68947- 40970  N
  3574.1826    27970.440    53000     Ne II                  G
  3574.6122    27967.078   610000     Ne II                  G
  3577.1483    27947.251      250 P   Pt II    23461- 51408  H
  3577.1960    27946.878      900 P   Pt II    23461- 51408  H
  3577.2202    27946.689      500 U   Pt II    23461- 51408  H
  3577.8151    27942.042     1500     Pt I     68912- 40970  N
  3577.9772    27940.776     2800     Ne II                  G
  3578.6866    27935.238              Cr I
  3579.09      27932.1        110
  3579.56      27928.4        110
  3581.1928    27915.689              Fe I                   R
Character descriptor definitions (appear to right of intensity)
Code definitions

Photoelectric spectrum

3566-3582 Å

                      WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) - AIR

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