Spectrum of Platinum homepage

Lines and intensities in the range 3678-3694 Å.


  3679.8160    27167.536     6500     Ne II                  G
  3680.3319    27163.729      580     Pt I     64505- 37342  N
  3680.4520    27162.842     2200     Pt I     59782- 32620  E
  3681.0364    27158.530     2500 U   Ne II                  G
  3681.0798    27158.210     7500 P   Pt I     15501- 42660  E
  3681.941     27151.86       600 P   Ne II                  C
  3682.0226    27151.256     2900     Ne II                  G
  3682.2418    27149.640    64000     Ne I                   G
  3682.9727    27144.252    15000     Pt I     59764- 32620  E
  3683.77      27138.4        170
  3684.51      27132.9        150
  3685.7349    27123.910   110000     Ne I                   G
  3687.4152    27111.550    28000     Pt I     59731- 32620  E
  3687.497     27110.95       350 U   Ne II                  C
  3688.81      27101.3        180
  3689.316     27097.58       330     Ne II                  C
  3690.32      27090.2         87     Pd I
  3691.98      27078.0        200     Pt I     64668- 37590  N
  3692.272     27075.89       500     Ne II                  C
  3692.3525    27075.299              Rh I
  3693.389     27067.70      2900     Ne II                  C
Character descriptor definitions (appear to right of intensity)
Code definitions

Photoelectric spectrum

3678-3694 Å

                      WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) - AIR

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