19-23 September 2011
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Day 1, Monday, September 19, 2011, AM

Ref. codeSpeaker and title/Event
INV-1 Mark Yarbrough, Multi-input fiber optic coupled spectroradiometer and applications in ocean color measurement
INV-2 Kurt Thome, Calibration Accuracy for Cimate-Quality Data Sets from Space Observations
INV-3 Carol Johnson, NIST efforts for calibrations in Earth Observation programs
OPM_OR_027 L. Hanssen, NIST: NIST/PTB Joint Study of Far Infrared Selected Black Coatings
OPM_OR_017 C. Chunnilall, NPL: Infrared hemispherical reflectance measurements in the 2.5 mm to 50 mm wavelength region using an FT spectrometer
OPM_OR_021 H. Patrick, NIST: BRDF measurements of graphite used in hightemperature fixed point blackbody radiators: a multi-angle study at 405 nm and 658 nm

Day 1, Monday, September 19, 2011, PM

Ref. codeSpeaker and title/Event
N. Fox, GEO, CEOS and the NMIs
EAO_OR_001 D. Antoine, New measurements of the intensity and geometrical structure of the upwelling and downwelling underwater light fields
EAO_OR_003 J. Gero, On-orbit Absolute Blackbody Emissivity Determination Using the Heated Halo Method
EAO_OR_005 B. Khlevnoy, Current activity of Russia in measurement assurance of Earth optical observation
EAO_OR_008 J. Taylor, The University of Wisconsin Space Science and Engineering Center Absolute Radiance Interferometer
EAO_OR_009 S. Mekhontsev, Primary Realization of Both Spectral Radiance and Reflectance in the Mid- and Far-Infrared for Climate Change Science Support
EAO_OR_013 A. K. Shukla, Vicarious Calibration of OCM-2 Sensor using Karavatti CAL/VAL Site
EAO_OR_015 J. Rice, Radiometric Characterization of a Hyperspectral Image Projector
EAO_OR_016 M. Kowalewski, Characterization of the Airborne Compact Atmospheric Mapper during the Global Hawk Pacific Campaign
EAO_OR_018 S. Lavender, Applying Uncertainties to Ocean Colour Data
EAO_OR_021 S. Schiller, Vicarious Calibration of the IKONOS Earth Observing Sensor Using The Specular Array Radiometric Calibration Method
EAO_OR_024 D. Helder, Recent Surface Reflectance Measurement Campaigns With Emphasis on Best Practices, SI Traceability and Uncertainty Estimation

Day 2, Tuesday, September 20, 2011, AM

Ref. codeSpeaker and title/Event
INV-4 Erik Richard, Future Long-term Measurements of Solar Spectral Irradiance by the TSIS Spectral Irradiance Monitor: Improvements in Measurement Accuracy and Stability
DBR_OR_021 J. Gröbner, PMOD: The Infrared Integrating Sphere (IRIS) Radiometer for Atmospheric Longwave radiation Measurements
SSR_OR_001 X. Huang, A-STAR: A Differential Spectral Responsivity Measuring System for Solar Cell Calibration
INV-5 Wolfgang Finsterle, Cryogenic radiometer for total solar irradiance
SSR_OR_007 G. Kopp, Univ. Colorado: Total Solar Irradiance Data Record Accuracy and Consistency Improvements
SSR_OR_009 A. Fehlman, PMOD: Fourth World Radiometric Reference to SI radiometric scale comparison and implications to on-orbit measurements of the total solar irradiance
DBR_OR_001 J. Lehman, NIST: Fiber-Coupled Cryogenic Radiometer with Carbon Nanotube Absorber

Day 2, Tuesday, September 20, 2011, PM

Ref. codeSpeaker and title/Event
INV-6 Seongchong Park, Integrating sphere photometers designed for solid state lighting
OT_OR_008 M. Lopez, PTB: LED near-field goniophotometer at PTB
DBR_OR_045 T. Poikonen, Aalto: Luminous Efficacy Measurement Setup for Solid State Lamps
SBR_OR_009 T. Gerloff, PTB: OLED Transfer Standards

Day 3, Wednesday, September 21, 2011, AM

Ref. codeSpeaker and title/Event
INV-7 Armin Sperling, Tuneable lasers for photometry and radiometry
DBR_OR_039 Y. Zong, NIST: New Method for Spectral Irradiance and Radiance Responsivity Calibration using Pulsed Tuneable Lasers from 210 nm to 2500 nm
SBR_OR_002 Y. Deng, NIM: Automatic and Accurate Characterization of Femtosecond Optical Pulses
INV-8 Farshid Manoocheri, Predictable Quantum Efficient Detector (PQED)
DBR_OR_011 W. Dong, NIM: Nonlinearity measurement of filter radiometers using water-cooled LED radiation sources
DBR_OR_009 E. Theocharous, NPL: Absolute linearity measurements on a PV HgCdTe detector in the infrared
DBR_OR_032 G. Eppeldauer, NIST: Development of new-generation transfer standard pyroelectric radiometers for monochromator use

Day 3, Wednesday, September 21, 2011, PM

Ref. codeSpeaker and title/Event
INV-9 S. Götzinger, Single-photon sources with near unity efficiency
SBR_OR_016 P. Kärhä, Aalto: Tungsten Filament Lamps as Absolute Radiometric Reference Sources
OPM_OR_011 A. Koo, IRL: Temporal and temperature dependence of transmittance standards
OPM_OR_025 H. Shitomi, AIST: Optical properties of Al2O3 and Al2O3/BaSO4 reflecting diffusers processed with plasma powder spraying
S. Winter, PTB: Enabling Solar Cell and Detector Calibrations with fs Pulses

Day 4, Thursday, September 22, 2011, AM

Ref. codeSpeaker and title/Event
INV-10 Daiji Fukuda, Novel photon detector utilizing superconducting light detection technology
OT_OR_004 A. Gottwald, PTB: Current capabilities at the Metrology Light Source
DBR_OR_040 N. Tomlin, NIST: Fully Lithographic Fiber-coupled Cryogenic Radiometer for Picowatt Powers
INV-11 Alan Migdall, Bridging the Gap: Radiometry from Watts to Single- Photons
SBR_OR_013 S. Nevas, PTB: Stability of Array Spectroradiometers and their Suitability for Absolute Calibrations
DBR_OR_028 S. Brown, NIST: Stray light correction algorithm for multi-channel spectrographs
DBR_OR_033 L. Werner, PTB: Temporal instability of photodiodes in the UV

Day 4, Thursday, September 22, 2011, PM

Ref. codeSpeaker and title/Event
NEWRAD Scientific Committee Meeting Results
SFR_OR_001 E. Theocharous, The evaluation of two InGaAsP/InP Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes at NPL
SFR_OR_002 I. Mueller, Traceable calibration of Si-avalanche photodiodes using synchrotron radiation
SFR_OR_003 T. Gerrits, Extending Single-Photon Optimized Superconducting Transition Edge Sensors Beyond the Single-Photon Counting Regime
SFR_OR_005 S. Peters, Studying Photon Number Distribution of NV-Centre Emission in Nano-Diamonds
SFR_OR_006 G. Brida, Toward traceable Few Photon Radiometry
SFR_OR_007 G. Porrovecchio, A transfer standard for the low power / few photon regime - the trap detector plus switched integrator amplifier
SFR_OR_008 U. Arp, Calibration of photomultiplier tubes for few photon applications using synchrotron radiation
G. Brida, Self-Consistent, Absolute Calibration Technique for Photon-Number-Resolving Detectors

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